Turtle is a "low level" language. From a generic you are unlikely to derive meaningful UML.
You could imagine than a fragment of Turtle will contain a few rdf:type or x:subClassOf expressions and hence try to model these as UML classes/subclasses. And you could use property assertions to derive properties in UML.
In this case what you would be doing would be to derive UML from rdf/owl/x properties (which can be expressed in turtle, as in other syntaxes).
While this seems a straightforward thing to do, it may turn out to be painful if you are not clear about your application case. There are no schemas or models in RDF/Turtle, and when you see classes and properties, they are not the same thing you think of in UML.
Modeling in UML and serializing in RDF/Turtle is more doable.
my 2 cents,
Il giorno 16/dic/2011, alle ore 17.26, Deepak Nadig ha scritto:
Are there any tools that can generate UML class/object diagrams from Turtle?