Re: call to arms

On 30 Mar 2010, at 01:21, Karl Dubost wrote:
> Le 29 mars 2010 à 15:39, Danny Ayers a écrit :
> The Semantic Web should be useful by now, by anyone's predictions.
> First take a look at:
> It is ugly :) hard core, difficult to look at

I completely agree, that we need to work on UI.

> Check any CSS Web gallery
> You might not like them, it might not suit some geeks tastes, but it matters for many people.
> ACTION: Work with Web and UX designers

I'd love UX designers to work with me!

But that is unlikely to happen soon. So my strategy is to do the opposite:
take a web service that allready has excellent UX designers and:

  - add rdfa to the profile document
  - add a "create WebId" button
  - make it possible to logon to the site in one click

That should not be more than a few weeks work for any site that exists.

> Tools
> No way you will convice people with it :)

Everytime we add a new site, we convince more people. It is getting easier all the time.

My labor is free for the next 6months. What cool open source web service do you think would most benefit from having foaf+ssl added on? 

> What is the narrative? What is the story around it?
> Look at these

We have a list here, that is being worked on

> ACTION: Package tools in a way which is seamless.
> Danny has been one of the most convincing evangelist for years. We need more. 
> ACTION: Tell a story to people.

Distributed social networks is the story. Owning your information. Being in charge ofyour life. Removing big brother from your life. We don't have to live in 1984!

Henry Story

Received on Monday, 29 March 2010 23:40:13 UTC