Re: Semantics of rdf:Statement

>>> •       “neighbour of” - Symmetric
>> Yes. This is its own inverse.
> Hoping not to be pedantic but im curious as to whether this is a valid case:
> I am neighbour of noisey teenagers
> does that imply
> (All?) Noisey teenagers are neighbours of me?

Yes, if eg:neighbour is a purely geographic / spatial / housing
arrangement relationship.

Of course (like 'likes'), being a GOOD neighbour is sadly not
symmetric. Alice can be a good neighbour to Bob without reciprocation.
But that's a different relationship really. We might also say that
eg:good_neighbour is a subPropertyOf eg:neighbour since whenever
someone is someone else's eg:good_neighbour, they have to at least be
their eg:neighbour...


Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2010 08:25:16 UTC