When do I plant my tomatoes? Re: call to arms

Le 18 avr. 2010 à 03:47, Danny Ayers a écrit :
> when do I plant my tomatoes? is much more in scope
> we have the raw data I'm sure, perhaps even linked. but I still cannot
> sit down and get an answer to such questions without a huge amount of
> human heuristics. I expect better from the technology

what about this

It's not exactly structured, but that would be possible to make it a bit better. Social networks capture what people do in some areas of the world.

For example, I'm pretty sure it would be possible to track the progress of cherry blossoms through the seasons depending on the latitude in Japan. 

Not many gardeners in the south of France ;)

twitter annotation feature could help in the future.

The other solutions is to pimp above the fence of someone else :)

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Saturday, 17 April 2010 23:32:08 UTC