Re: tweet2rdf vocabulary convergence

> Anyone aware of other statusnet terms apart from postIcon?

I've written a StatusNet patch which uses a statusnet:recipient property
to link from a notice to an account that is the recipient of the notice.
Definition (if there were a definition published) would be roughly:

  a rdf:Property ;
  rdfs:label "recipient" ;
  rdfs:domain sioc:Item ;
  rdfs:range sioc:User .

This patch hasn't yet been accepted into the main StatusNet code base, but
I'm hopeful. Most people seem to agree this is potentially useful
information to include in the RSS 1.0 feed, but it does add an additional
database query to each notice included in the feed (and StatusNet includes
48 notices per feed by default). As feeds are typically re-requested
frequently, this potentially adds a lot of extra work. Though the patch
works nicely on my own system, I've requested a performance review from a
larger installation of the StatusNet software.

Other than that, postIcon is the only term currently used in the statusnet


Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 12:22:49 UTC