Re: tweet2rdf vocabulary convergence

Benjamin Nowack wrote:
>> I'd be very interested to engage in this. Please let me know if you have
>> concrete steps planned. Maybe first review existing vocabs to see what is
>> covered already, today?
> I think a lot is available already, so what we mainly need is probably
> mainly a "suggested vocabulary blend":
>  * type
>       * rss:item
>       * sioc:MicroblogPost
It is good to have an effort for consolidating vocabs used. Just a quick 
reply with some thoughts for now (thesis writing in progress, last 
couple of days to go).

SiocLog for representing IRC logs in RDF may have some similar vocab 
patterns we could borrow:
>  * author stuff
>       * dct:creator for author resource (profile vs person issue?)
>       * sioc:has_creator for author profile/account URL
>       * sioc:avatar / atom:link
>  * links
>       * dct:references (short or expanded? prolly the latter)
* sioc:links_to

Re. short vs. expanded we could use both.
For example, keep info about the actual URI used in the post but also 
have a property pointing to its expanded version:

:entry1 a sioc:MicroblogPost ;
    sioc:links_to <uri1> .

<uri1> ex:expandedUri <longUri1> .


[ ]

Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 12:06:42 UTC