tweet2rdf vocabulary convergence


Morton Swimmer suggested that there might be broader interest to talk 
a bit about RDF extracted from tweets, so here we go: 

There are multiple tools and services that convert twitter profiles 
and contacts to RDF (e.g semantictweet[1] or knowee), I think they all 
mostly re-use stuff from FOAF and don't really need new terms.

But there are also tools that convert individual tweets to RDF
(I think Tom Morris had code. smesher is another example), or the 
other way round (e.g. SMOB). Streams can nicely be grounded in RSS,
possibly with an additional sioc:MicroblogPost type, but what about
the semi-structured data? Should we try to create a shared vocab for 
such in-tweet data (recipient, mentioned people, author-avatar/profile,
tags, machine tags, short urls, expanded urls, re-tweets, vias, 
embedded Linked Data URIs, groups, DM, ...)?

I've been playing a bit with in-tweet structures[2] a while ago, but 
so far mainly made up app-specific terms. For a new project, I'm 
extracting ratings and moods (via evolving patterns similar to 
nanoformats [3], twitterdata[4], or simple word lists). I'm again 
making up one-off terms here, too, and could surely benefit from a 
more stable vocab.

Anyone interested in exploring this a little further? VoCamp near
Düsseldorf or Amsterdam, maybe? ;)



Benjamin Nowack

Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 09:36:28 UTC