Re: modelling issue?

> a.  if the issue *had* caused resolution conflicts (or any other problems,
> for that matter) for anyone, then it seems likely it would have been
> investigated doesn't it?

Not necessarily. The relation between causes and  problems  can be hidden
and non linear. Causes can be where we are not looking, and RDF is curently
only marginally related to my current focus and I rely on sources like this
list when questions come up to see if there is any work in that line, but
also to verify the validity of an hypothesis itself  But if I come up with
something (got a few offlist) I ll report back

> (or at least clearer-cut) questions :-)  Perhaps we could work on that end
> a bit more...

ok, will work on it at my end



> --Frank
> On Sep 27, 2009, at 7:55 PM, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>> Thanks Richard! (and all)
>> for the extensive and detailed replies, much appreciated -
>>  I take this as evidence that the issue hasn't caused resolution conflicts
>> for anyone.
>> I would  rather take it as evidence  that the issue has not been
>> investigated as such
>> :-)
>> and that maybe there aren't always clearcut answers....
>> respect
>> p
>> thanks!
>> You're welcome,
>> Richard
>> PDM

Paola Di Maio
Networked Research Lab, UK


Received on Monday, 28 September 2009 00:30:52 UTC