Re: reusing vocabularies / mapping withowl:equivalentClass

Hi Knud,

>> That way a query for everything with a 'title' could automagically  
>> sparql
>> the clearinghouse for every owl:equivalentClass of 'title' and add  
>> those to
>> the original query. That's a scalable solution and it doesn't need  
>> much
>> (actually none if I'm not mistaken) inferencing power either.
> That's an interesting idea. It would be interesting to find how this  
> compares performance-wise to "ordinary" inferencing.

We did this regularly in several applications, however we were not  
using owl:equivalentClass but rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf;  
and we applied this not only to labels but also to class instances:

SELECT ?r ?l
    ?r rdf:type ?t .
    ?t rdfs:subClassOf my:Something .
    ?r ?p ?l .
    ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .

This of course requires the full closure of subClassOf and  
subPropertyOf relationships to be computed (but this can usually be  
done once and then is persisted). We found this performs quite well in  
comparison to fully fledged inferencing; however it has the drawback  
that reasoning is encoded into applications, which one might find not  
a nice solution.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2008 06:08:41 UTC