(EXTENDED DEADLINE) DiSCo '08, Data Semantics in Social Computing Systems

apologize for the cross-posting


The First International Workshop on Data Semantics in Social Computing
(DiSCo `08 <http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/index.html?page=DiSCo2008cfp>)
affiliated with OTM 2008 <http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/>
of Interest <?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ymdfwq781tpu#11ab632e7f2102d9_topic> |
Dates <?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ymdfwq781tpu#11ab632e7f2102d9_date> | Submission
Guidelines <?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ymdfwq781tpu#11ab632e7f2102d9_submission>
| Committee
and PC Members<?ui=2&view=bsp&ver=ymdfwq781tpu#11ab632e7f2102d9_organization>

The Social Web, Web 2.0, and Social Information Systems are emerging as a
promising new paradigm for large-scale distributed data management, as can
be seen in the success of Web-based social networks (e.g., Facebook,
MySpace), online social media sites (e.g., YouTube, Flickr), and large-scale
information sharing communities (e.g., Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers). At the
same time, these applications also experience boundaries in terms of
information dissemination and automation. Orthogonally, the Semantic Web has
received considerable attention as a next-generation Web of meaning,
augmenting the Web as a linked information space in which data is enriched
and formalized. The Semantic Web provides mediation support and lets users
engage in serendipitous reuse, discovery and maintenance of Web information.
As more social applications require the exchange of data, there arises a
need for a universal social networking layer on the Web that requires a
flexible and universal data exchange formalism. The combination of Social
Computing Systems (mainly Web 2.0) and the Semantic Web could utilize the
advantages of these approaches to address the the current challenges on the

The goal of this workshop is to examine the key data management research
challenges at the intersection of Social Computing Systems and the Semantic
Web, to promote novel research in the area of data semantics for Social
Computing Systems, and to identify the state-of-the-art technologies,
applications, and systems for successfully enabling the next generation of
the Web. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, industry
affiliates, and practitioners from the fields of databases, information
systems, Social Web, Semantic Web and distributed systems. The program of
the workshop will be a combination of invited talks, presentations of
research papers, and discussions to foster interaction and exchange of ideas
among participants. In addition to standard Q&A sessions, we also expect to
have at least one panel discussion.

We solicit original papers reporting practical approaches addressing current
existing problems, efforts leading to broaden social involvement,
work-in-progress on the preliminary ideas and visions, demos and various
system implementations.

*Topics of Interest*

Topics of interest may include (but not limited):

   - Architectures, protocols, and enabling technologies for social
   information systems;
   - Data management and middleware support for social information systems;
   - Data mining and knowledge discovery;
   - Data modeling for social information systems;
   - Distributed data storage and indexing;
   - Enterprise social information systems;
   - Identity on the Web;
   - Incentives for social semantics;
   - Integration of linked open data;
   - Integration of social information systems with traditional data
   management systems;
   - Privacy protection in social information systems;
   - Query languages and query optimization;
   - Social evaluation (social-metrics) for Social Semantics;
   - Social features of Social Semantics;
   - Social gaming for Social Semantics;
   - Social mediation (e.g., Community driven approach or instance-based
   approach for data and ontology mediation, etc.);
   - Social semantics for data contextualization;
   - Social semantics for data query and search;
   - Social semantics for (facet) browsing and visualization;
   - Social semantics for link analysis;
   - Social semantics for services mashups;
   - Social semantics recommender systems, user profiling, collaborative
   - Social spam detection and mitigation;
   - Social tagging;
   - Trust and uncertainty in social information systems;
   - Theoretical and technological combination of Semantic Web and Social
   - XML database and integration;

*Important Dates*

 Abstract Submission Deadline (*extended*)July 7, 2008 Paper Submission
Deadline (*extended*)July 7, 2008 Acceptance NotificationAugust 15, 2008 Camera
Ready DueAugust 25, 2008 Registration DueAugust 25, 2008 OTM
9 - 14, 2008 *Submission Guidelines*

Papers submitted to the workshop must not have been accepted for publication
elsewhere or be under review for another workshop or conference.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee. All submissions must be in English. Submissions must not
exceed 10 pages in the final camera-ready paper style and should be
submitted in PDF format. Detailed formatting instructions can be found at:
The final proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as LNCS. Failure
to commit to presentation at the conference automatically excludes a paper
from the proceedings.

The paper submission site is located at:
*Organization Committee and PC Members*

Workshop Chairs:
       Stefan Decker <http://www.stefandecker.org/>, National University of
Ireland Galway, Ireland
       Ling Liu <http://www.cc.gatech.edu/%7Elingliu/>, Georgia Institute of
Technology, USA

Program Committee co-Chairs:
       James Caverlee <http://faculty.cs.tamu.edu/caverlee/>, Texas A&M
University, USA
       Ying Ding <http://www.sti-innsbruck.at/about/team/details/ying-ding/>,
University of Innsbruck, Austria
       Yihong Ding <http://yihongs-research.blogspot.com/>, Brigham Young
University, USA

Program Committee Members:
       *Eugene Agichtein*, Emory University, USA
       *John Berslin*, DERI Galway, Ireland
       *Gobinda Chowdhury*, University of Strathclyde, UK
       *Li Ding*, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
       *Hyoil Han*, Drexel University, USA
       *Tom Heath*, Talis, UK
       *Xing Jiang*, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
       *Sin-Jae Kang*, Daegu University, South Korea
       *Yiannis Kompatsiaris*, ITI, Greece
       *Sebastian Kruk*, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
       *Juanzi Li*, Tsinghua University, China
       *Adam Lindemann*, Imindi Inc. USA
       *Paul Miller*, Talis, UK
       *Nitya Narasimhan*, Motorola Labs
       *Jack Park*, SRI International, USA
       *John Paolillo*, Indiana University, USA
       *Yves Raimond*, Queen Mary London University, UK
       *Cui Tao*, Brigham Young University, USA
       *Yuri Tijerino*, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
       *Ioan Toma*, University of Innsbruck, Austria
       *Li Xu*, University of Arizona, USA
       *Gui-Rong Xue*, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
       *Cong Yu*, Yahoo!

Yihong Ding
Department of Computer Science
Brigham Young University
Web 1.0 residence (Homepage): http://www.deg.byu.edu/ding/
Web 2.0 residence (Thinking Space): http://yihongs-research.blogspot.com/

Received on Monday, 23 June 2008 16:51:06 UTC