RDF property templating


I try to specify some kind of templating in RDF. My goal is to compose the 
value of a property from other properties. Here is an example :

        :prop1 "value1" ;
        :prop3 "value 3".

I would like to create a new dynamic property for :example, say :result, which 
is composed of the values of the properties :prop1, :prop2, :prop3 prefixed 
by some literal. I would therefore get:

        :result ( "A prefix" "value 1"  "" "value 3" ).

(missing :prop2 value).

My first attempt was to write a SPARQL rules like this :

        ?obj :result ( "A prefix" ?value1 ?value2 ?value3 ) .
        ?obj :prop1 ?value1;
                :prop2 ?value2;
                :prop3 ?value3.
} .

But this kind of construction doesn't work with a partial knowledge. In my 
example, if :prop2 is missing, the premises aren't satisfied.

Am I pushing RDF too far? Should I modify my model? 

Thank you for your suggestions.

Jérôme Mainka

Antidot - solutions de recherche d'information
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Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2007 19:12:14 UTC