Re: OWL version of Dublin Core?

On 23 Apr 2007, at 12:46, Yoshio Fukushige wrote:
> My current problem is that I want a transitive version of
> .
> Should I use a property in other major vocabularies,
> for example
> part.owl#partOf
> (I'm not sure if it is major, though)
> Or defining my own transitive property as a subPropertyOf
> would make more sense?

I would recommend to define your own property and make it a  
subproperty of dc:isPartOf. This is a common approach: Define your  
own vocabulary with all the constraints you need, and then relate it  
to popular vocabularies using subClassOf/subPropertyOf. This gives  
you the best of two worlds -- hand-tailored constraints, and  
compatibility with consumers of the popular vocabularies (provided  
they do subclass/subproperty inference).


> [1]
> Best,
> Yoshio Fukushige
> -- 
> Yoshio Fukushige <>
> Network Development Center,
> Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 12:26:04 UTC