Disaster management ontologies?

I had an exciting visit from the students in Sri Lanka who had just  
received an award for their open source disaster management system,  

Discussing their system, which has just received a Free Software  
Foundation award, I remembered many conversations about the  
desirability for wide interoperability in emergence and disaster  

I suggested the Sahana folks provide RDF feeds of, for example,  
missing persons, found persons, shelters, relive groups and resources  
on the ground, and other things they track.

I started a wiki page to capture a little of this
which is like all wikis open to additions!

It is missing, I imagine,  many pointers to government efforts.

If you know of activity around disaster management technology which  
could possible be involved in or shed light on this, then please mail  
ivan@w3.org or add it to the wiki.

A possible next step would be an Incubator Group (XG) for a diaster  
management ontology development.

Disaster response is much about preparedness. If much relevant data  
is available in RDF, when a disaster strikes, those on the ground and  
across the world will be able to use it to know what best to do to  

Tim Berners-Lee

Received on Friday, 13 April 2007 01:56:45 UTC