Re: ANN: D2R Server publishing the DBLP Bibliography as Linked Data (Semantic Web grows 10%)

On 5 Nov 2006, at 16:51, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

> We discussed it non #swig before and after
> I liked your proposal to change the seeAlso to moreData, now  
> implemented -- thanks you!

I'm not sure I understand the point of moreData. It's supposed to be  
weaker than the (weak already) seeAlso, to the point where it's a  
relation which doesn't relate subject to object? ("Further  
information that may or may not be related to the subject resource")

If you want to mention a resource why not just mention it (:foo a  
rdfs:Resource)? Or :foo a :InterestingPlaceToLook?


Received on Monday, 6 November 2006 23:42:14 UTC