Re: ANN: D2R Server publishing the DBLP Bibliography as Linked Data (Semantic Web grows 10%)


This is a great resource, and I suspect, one of many to served up  
using D2R Server.

For the record, though discussed in IRC:

It brings up one of the interesting questions about linked data --  
when to look what up and when yo make links.  Currently, the  
tabulator tends to blow up, as it gets more rdfs:seeAlso links that  
it can handle.

For example, the data for a person says
	<that person> seeAlso <the list of the list of all people>
The list of all people is large.

The tabulator, when it looks up A, and is told A seeAlso B, looks up  
B. I think this should only happen when B contains information  
relevant to A.

We discussed it non #swig before and after

I liked your proposal to change the seeAlso to moreData, now  
implemented -- thanks you!

I now have an owl:sameAs my ID in DBLP in my FOAF file, and as of the  
*latest* (svn 2333) version it works in tabulator.

I think we should set up a namespace for  
bits and
pieces like this, and some things the tabulator already puts in its  
own random ns.


Received on Sunday, 5 November 2006 23:11:20 UTC