Re: How to assert equivalence of URIs ?

On 5/30/06, Andrea Splendiani <> wrote:

> > I suppose owl:sameAs causes problems in its lack of uniformity (from
> > the URI point of view), in that saying two classes are the same has
> > very different implications than saying two individuals are the same.
> owl:sameAs as owl:sameProperty as owl:equivalentTo presuppone we are
> already talking about indiviuals, properties, classes that is, what a
> URI represent. And from so we start semantics...
> I think we would need something more "syntactical".

Yep, but if you say at the syntax level:

<> erdf:sameResource <> .

what happens when you later get

<> rdf:type owl:Class .

in the graph? (Or any statements about <>)



Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2006 18:53:45 UTC