Re: Provenance as a first-class citizen

> The web is mess of a trillion viewpoints -- the current SW model is
> equivalent to getting an RSS feed of articles from all over the web,
> with no reference to the original sources. A human can look at an
> article titled "Aliens Impregnate Brad Pitt" and know to ignore it
> when determining facts about Brad Pitt, but the Semantic Web has no
> such capability.

In fact, I think the Semantic Web would know that "Aliens Impregnate
Brad Pitt" is silly, as long as someone has the following ontology:

@prefix : <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
:BradPitt rdf:type :Male.
:Male rdf:type owl:Class.
:Impregnate rdfs:range :Female; rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty.
:Female rdf:type owl:Class.
:Male owl:disjointWith :Female.

:Alien :Impregnate :BradPitt; rdf:type owl:Thing.

To me, the semantic web is nothing without Ontologies, which bring the
meaning aspects to the data.  Otherwise, it's a simple graph data
structure.  Put the meaning on top of it, and now you're talking.

When people talk about Trust on the Semantic Web, we have to trust
Triples *and* Ontologies.


Received on Saturday, 18 March 2006 13:37:32 UTC