Re: Provenance as a first-class citizen

On Mar 17, 2006, at 2:56 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:

> For making statements about statements -- which you're talking  
> about --
> you need something more complex, like quads or reification, but that's
> relatively rare (even if it's very interesting).

Yes, and that's precisely the problem. It shouldn't be rare; *all*  
statements should be either implicitly or explicitly qualified via  

The web is mess of a trillion viewpoints -- the current SW model is  
equivalent to getting an RSS feed of articles from all over the web,  
with no reference to the original sources. A human can look at an  
article titled "Aliens Impregnate Brad Pitt" and know to ignore it  
when determining facts about Brad Pitt, but the Semantic Web has no  
such capability.

It doesn't matter that you *can* reify statements within RDF. My wish  
is that you wouldn't be able to *avoid* making reified statements.

- ben syverson

Received on Friday, 17 March 2006 22:04:51 UTC