Re: Announcement: Firefox Navibar Extension 0.10 wrote:
> ...
> I would also extend the current Sitemap with the functionality to
> include external resources, for example other Sitemaps or RSS files or
> other interesting sources.
> <SiteMapEntry>
>    <rdfs:label>Flight - Asylum - Integration</rdfs:label>
>    <page rdf:resource="" />
>    <children rdf:parseType="Collection"
> rdfs:seeAlso="" />
> </SiteMapEntry>
> But i am not sure if rdfs:seeAlso is the right one for this purpose.
[sorry for the late reply]
I guess rdfs:seeAlso is the easiest thing to use, in your example it 
should however be a property of the SiteMapEntry, like:

   <rdfs:label>Flight - Asylum - Integration</rdfs:label>
   <page rdf:resource="" />
   <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" />
   <children rdf:parseType="Collection" >

rdfs:seeAlso says that one may find additional information about the 
subject at the specified place. In some situation this may not be enough 
and you may want to give more information about how the target relates 
to the subject, this can be done by modeling the relation (or link) 
itself as a resource, an attempt of an easy serialization would be:

   <rdfs:label>Flight - Asylum - Integration</rdfs:label>
   <page rdf:resource="" />
   <atom:link atom:rel="alternate" atom:type="text/html" 
   <children rdf:parseType="Collection" >

My impression is, that for the NavigationMap vocabulary see-also is the 
best solution, note that even with rdfs:seeAlso you can specify 
additional information about the linked resource, in the following 
example say that the linked resource is an atom-feed:

     <atom:Feed rdf:about="" />

(the atom prefix would point to one of the ontologies at
> By the way, i plan for the next major release of Navibar, to make the
> root elements of the tree general folders like: Sitemap, RSS, Links and
> behind these root elements will follow the navigation elements of each
> own format.
not sure what you mean, and why there's a "root element".
>> Another use-case, where aggregability and graph structure become 
>> important would be a tool (navibar 2 ?) to visualize an navigate 
>> through a blog-discussion on multiple servers.
> I like the use-case because of its website overlapping nature. How 
> would you visualize the discussion 
Maybe allowing to set the focus on one node in the tree so that this 
nodes the becomes the root of a "forward-tree", as well as a 
"backward-tree" showing the resources which do link to this blog-entry?
> and what source, exactly what markup do want to use? 
I think it should be feasible as in the example above, navibar would 
just have to combine the triples of different sitemaps, this can be by 
following rdfs:seeAlso-links (generated by the blog engine for example 
on trackpad pings) and/or by just using sitemaps of previously accessed 
> How concerns this to Navibar?
navibar is the browser of the web that's getting a bit more structured ....


Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2006 01:21:00 UTC