How many axioms?

Hi all,

I was confused about the axioms in OWL.

For example,
supposing exp:foo, exp:bar1 and exp:bar2 were three OWL class names, and there were three triples:

exp:foo rdf:type owl:Class
exp:foo rdfs:subClassOf exp:bar1
exp:foo rdfs:subClassOf exp:bar2

so how many OWL axioms are there in these two triples (i.e., how many OWL axioms can be transformed to these triples)?

And my opinion:
Answer 1: two axioms.
The first two triples indicates:
axiom ::= 'Class(' classID  ['Deprecated'] modality { annotation } { description } ')'
and the last triple indicates:
axiom ::= 'SubClassOf(' description description ')'
(The last two triples can exchange)

Answer 2: only one axiom, i.e.,
axiom ::= 'Class(' classID  ['Deprecated'] modality { annotation } { description } ')'

Actually, the triple involving rdfs:subClassOf seems can be transformed to part of either axiom. And if Answer 2 was right, why we still need axiom ::= 'SubClassOf(' description description ')'?

Thanks in advance!


Gong Cheng

Gong Cheng
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing, P.R.China
Phone:        +86-(0)25-83793235
Fax:          +86-(0)25-83794838
Address:      Department of Computer Science and Engineering
              Southeast University
              Nanjing 210096, P.R.China

Received on Friday, 6 January 2006 06:30:35 UTC