RE: [tangle] getting the semweb exactly wrong


> I want the 
> ability to take data in any form people find useful, for whatever
> (relational tables, XML, whatever) and *interpreting it* as RDF,
> the need to necessarily store it that way.

I tend to take the complementary view, that in an ideal world data
should be stored as triples, and then accessed using multiple XML,
relational model, or RDF "views".  

The relational model was introduced as a way of decoupling applications
from data storage, because a relational model can support different
*application* views (and in my view XML is a mighty leap backwards in
this respect!). As you point out, triples are the relational model taken
to its logical conclusion - RDF triples can support different
*relational* views (schemas).


Received on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 11:15:33 UTC