Re: XSLT and XPath-like functions in RDF/OWL ?

On 9/18/05, Damian Steer <> wrote:

> I know what you mean. Currently I think the best approaches are as follows:
> 1) XML -> RDF: XSLT or XQuery to RDF/XML (although I've also gone to n3)

Yep. If you've got any control over the original XML then it might be
worth considering making it "coincidentally" RDF/XML, see:

> 2) RDF -> RDF: Rules language, eg n3, jena rules, swrl. Stay out of xml
> here.

Yep. The n3/cwm tutorial is pretty good on this:
You may be able to do the logic using *standard* RDFS/OWL inference -
cwm, Euler, Jena, Pellet, one of the DL reasoners.

Depending on what you're trying to do SPARQL may be an option here
too, using CONSTRUCT.
A twisty possibility might also be to follow the route -

[RDF] SPARQL -> xml results -> xslt/xquery -> RDF/XML

I'm only guessing, but I think this would probably be straightforward
for simple transformations/mappings but would probably get hard to
control for anything beyond those.

> 3) RDF -> XML: SPARQL -> xml results -> xslt/xquery -> xml.

Yep. This works wonders ;-)



Received on Monday, 19 September 2005 13:31:32 UTC