Re: Deleting subgraphs via SPARQL

> Moving
> swiftly on, I think another option would be to use reification. Use
> <code>CONSTRUCT</code> and in it reify the statements you want to
> delete, give them all a property of <code>deleteMe</code> or whatever.
> Might work.

I've posted something similar ( )

Add two reification properties, let's call them assertedOn and 
deniedOn. Every time a statement is inserted, it gets an assertedOn 
property with the current time as the object. To delete a statement, 
add a deniedOn statement. To reinsert, add another assertedOn 

Not only do we get deletion within an open world system, we also get a 
history, so one can ask "what was still asserted at time t".


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 20:52:56 UTC