httpRange-14 resolved


as many propably know, the TAG has recently resolved httpRange-14.  
Part of the resolution
is that resources that return a 2xx upon an HTTP GET are considered  
'information resources'.

As a consequence, using URIs that identify such 2xx resources to  
refer to non-information
resource things such as dogs is 'an error'[1].

IMHO, two questions arise:

- given that most URIs today point to 2xx resources, what URIs am I  
supposed to use to
   refer to dogs and the like?

- Given a sufficient supply with 303 resources[2], who is issueing  
and maintaining all
   those URIs for dogs etc.

Not that there is an immediate problem and I like the approach taken  
a lot, but I kind
of question the usability of the httpRange-14 resolution.

What do others think? Am I missing the point somehow?

For references and a more detailed write-up see [3].



Jan Algermissen, Consultant & Programmer                
Tugboat Consulting, 'Applying Web technology to enterprise IT'

Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 21:14:52 UTC