Discharging action QT4CG-042-03


I assert that this email message discharges my action QT4CG-042-03: NW
to consider revisions to query parses.

The thrust of the action, I think, was to try to imagine how we might
provide the ordered key/value pairs that were available in
query-segments after implementing the group’s request to change that to
a simple map named query-parameters. (See PR #696).



We’re going to get

  "query-parameters": map {
    "a": ("1", "3"),
    "b": "2"

The description of how to reconstruct the query part of the URI in
build-uri will naturally yield:


I think that’s as close to “correctly” ordered as it is worth pursuing.
In order to get the original order back, we’d have to have either a more
complex data structure than a simple map (one example of which the group
has already rejected), or we’d have to have a simple map *and* another
data structure to track the order. I don’t think we have a use case that
is compelling enough to justify that complexity.

If a user really needs to be able to reconstruct “a=1&b=2&a=3”, I think
the’ll have to do it themselves (which is always possible).

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2023 15:25:52 UTC