Re: Questions about the QT4 CG agenda for next week (4 October)

> Is work on variadic progressing adequately in email and in issue
> comments, or would additional face-to-face discussion on Tuesday be
> beneficial? We’ll obviously have to come back to it eventually, but if
> concrete proposals are still being constructed, perhaps it should wait
> another week.

Just a heads-up that I've been working flat out to produce a branch of the specs that covers

(a) function declarations with optional parameters, and

(b) static function calls with keyword arguments

and this is just about ready to ship except there's always one more glitch I want to fix first.

I'll leave it to you what priority to give this; there are plenty of other things we could tackle first.

Michael Kay

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2022 18:03:36 UTC