Agendas and minutes

Hi folks,

I decided to see if I could publish the agendas and minutes as HTML. (I
hope I don’t regret this.)

  The agendas:
  The minutes:

So, the proposed agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is

This has a few advantages:

1. The agendas and minutes have predictable URIs. This should make it
   easier to find them than having to search the email archives.
2. I’ll be free to use a little more markup in the versions I edit.
   (They’re Emacs org-mode files, because of course they are, and 
   I’ve been limiting the markup that I use in order to make them
   easier to read in email)
3. We can actually edit them. It has always bothered me that when
   minutes are only managed in email, if a correction is made to the
   minutes, it’s impossible to discover that from the pulished minutes
   unless you go look at the minutes of the *next* meeting, and maybe
   the one after that, to see if any changes were accepted.
4. The whole collection is in GitHub (these files are in the ‘gh-pages’
   branch of the qtspecs repo), so there’s a complete history of the
   changes made.

Fear not, if someone else takes minutes, they aren’t going to be
obligated to use Emacs org mode, we can just link in a text file or
whatever format was convenient for the scribe.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2022 11:25:09 UTC