Re: QT4CG “Charter and process” proposal

> The key thing in both cases is to be realistic about costs and
> benefits. Standards activities that lose sight of how to balance the
> benefit to the user community against the cost of implementation tend
> to fail. And we're definitely looking here (in my view) to get
> agreement on low-cost high-benefit features. We're also looking
> primarily to users for assessment of the benefit and to implementors
> for assessment of the cost.

Perhaps this offers a way of framing the design goals that’s a little
more neutral to the roles of the participants. Something like:

  For the 4.0 specifications, the CG is focused on delivering the
  highest benefit features that are of moderate cost to specify and

It’s usually possible to explain to anyone on a working group why a
particular thing is expensive either to specify, or to implement, or

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Monday, 12 September 2022 11:47:02 UTC