Minutes of XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #664 - 2017-01-10

On 17-01-06 09:34 AM, Andrew Coleman wrote:
> DRAFT XML Query/XSL WG Joint Teleconference #664 Agenda 2017-01-10
> Andy will chair this meeting.
> Changes in this agenda:


> This week, I'd like us to work on the following items:
> J4.2 (F&O)
> J4.6 (Test suite)
> J5   (Progression)
> Q2.1 (Update 3.0)
> Q2.2 (Update 3.0 Req & UC)
> Key:
> J = Joint Query/XSLT meeting;
> Q = Query-only meeting
> Teleconference connection details
> ---------------------------------
> (Member only)
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2015Sep/0014.html
> ====================
> Note to secretary: Please insert a summary of all decisions made during
> this teleconference at this location in the minutes.
> Decisions MUST be clear as to their complete intent.  The subject of the
> decision should *not* require dereferencing; it is most helpful if
> agenda numbers and bug numbers are accompanied by their titles.  If a
> decision is recorded about the resolution of a bug, the decision must
> state exactly what the resolution is (e.g., "Accept the solution in
> comment #5", or "Replace the production for XXX with this: <new
> production>", or the like.  It should be possible to read a decision
> months later and be certain what it meant and whether or not it was
> properly applied.

DECISION: Bug 30041 ([FO31] year-from-date() with negative years) is editorial.

DECISION: Resolve Bug 30039 (Schema substitution.xsd depends on XSD 1.0)
as indicated in comment 2.

DECISION: Voted unanimously to progress the current suite of docs to PR.

DECISION: Voted unanimously to publish "XQuery Update 3.0" and
"XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases" as WG Notes.

DECISION: Re Bug 30017 (UpdatingFunctionCall use of PrimaryExpr makes the
grammar ambiguous): resolve it as Works For Me.

> ================
> Note to secretary: Please insert all new action items assigned during
> this teleconference at this location in the minutes.
> Action items MUST make sense even when they are viewed standalone (that
> is, not read in the context of the agenda item where they were
> assigned).  This explicitly requires that all referents (e.g., "this",
> "that") be made clear.  Action items such as "Ralph to resolve this
> problem" are DISALLOWED.  It takes a scribe only a few additional
> minutes to ensure that action items are clear, while it takes the entire
> WG considerable effort to constantly research the meaning of unclear
> action items.  The subject of the action item should *not* require
> dereferencing; it is most helpful if agenda numbers and bug numbers are
> accompanied by their titles.

ACTION A-664-01: O'Neil to resolve Bug 30038 (Test prod-AxisStep /
cbcl-path-nodes-and-atomics) as suggested in comment 0.

ACTION A-664-02: O'Neil to resolve Bug 30039 (Schema substitution.xsd depends
on XSD 1.0) as indicated in comment 2.

ACTION A-664-03: Andy to make the necessary transition and publication requests
to progress the current suite of docs to PR.

ACTION A-664-04: Andy to update status and submit pub requests for Update3.0
(both spec and Req+UC).

> ===================================================
> Joint XML Query Working Group and XSL Working Group
> ===================================================
> J1. Administrative Items
> J1.1 Selection of secretary(s)
> Michael Dyck has been asked to take the minutes.  Abel has been asked to
> stand by.

Michael scribed.

> NOTE: The chair will confirm the secretary prior to the start of the
> meeting.
> Most recent secretaries (least-recent participants first):
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> (This list identifies the most recent three occasions when each
> participant acted as Secretary for the Task Force.  The person whose
> name is at the top of the list should plan to take the minutes at the
> meeting identified by this agenda; if that person is unavailable, then
> the job will fall to the next person on the list, etc.
> Abel Braaksma       - 2016-10-18, 2016-06-28
> Liam Quin           - 2016-10-25, 2016-09-13, 2016-05-03
> Josh Spiegel        - 2016-11-01, 2016-07-19, 2016-03-15
> Jonathan Robie      - 2016-11-08, 2016-07-05, 2016-04-12
> Mike Kay            - 2016-11-15, 2016-07-26, 2016-04-26
> O'Neil Delpratt     - 2016-11-29, 2016-09-06, 2016-04-19
> Michael Sprbrg-McQn - 2016-12-06, 2016-09-27, 2016-06-07
> Michael Dyck        - 2017-01-10, 2016-10-04, 2016-06-14
> Note to secretary: During the meeting, take a note of the Webex
> participants, then list in the minutes those present and those who sent
> regrets.  All others will be presumed to have been absent without regrets.
> XML Query WG membership list:
> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=18797&order=org
> XSL WG membership list:
> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=19552&order=org

Andy Coleman
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Jonathan Robie
Josh Spiegel
Liam Quin
Michael Dyck
Michael Kay
O'Neil Delpratt

> Regrets:


> J1.3 Approval of agenda
> J1.3.1 Additions, deletions, or corrections?


> J1.4 Review of recent minutes and administrative items
> J1.4.1 Minutes of meeting #663 (Michael Sperberg-McQueen)
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2016Dec/0026.html

No changes.

> J1.5 Review of action items
> NOTE: Please be prepared to respond quickly on your action items!
> J1.5.1 Outstanding action items
> ACTION A-657-12: ABr to create more tests for fn:transform, as he describes
> in bug 29834
> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-11-26
> ACTION A-661-04 (Bug 29997) AB to fix up the dependencies on the
> fn:transform tests and if appropriate resubmit results.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.
> ACTION A-661-06 (Bug 29949) OND to decide which approach to take and do it.
> Alternatives suggested include (a) adding a (rather specialized dependency)
> for these tests, or (b) dropping the tests, or (c) alternative results.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-12-13

New ETA: 2017-01-17

> ACTION A-662-04: MikeKay to investigate bug 29932
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

No progress. ETA: 2017-01-31

> ACTION A-663-02: MK to respond to original commentor (Thomas Fischer)
> w.r.t. our decision on bug 30025 "[F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading
> name" (WORKSFORME).
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

ETA: 2017-01-17

> ACTION A-663-03: MK to respond to original commentor w.r.t. our
> decision on bug 30024 "[F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?" (FIXED).
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

ETA: 2017-01-17

> ACTION A-663-04: MK to address test suite bug 30023 [qt3ts]
> fn-transform-err-9a (which he may already have fixed).
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

ETA: 2017-01-31

> J1.5.2 Completed action items
> ACTION A-658-07 Liam to review MIME type registration for XQuery 3.1
> Status: Closed; There were two changes, both of which Josh has done.
> ACTION A-661-09 (Bug 29959 ¿ fn:put) JR: Amend XQ 3.1 requirements (changing
> the status of this requirement). (And while there under 2.4.4 collations,
> there is a misreference to fn:put()).
> Status: Closed; See
> https://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xquery-31/html/
> ACTION A-661-10 (Bug 29959 ¿ fn:put) JR: In the XQuery 3.1 spec, get rid of
> the optional fn:put() feature
> Status: Closed;
> ACTION A-662-01: Josh and Jonathan to review the XQuery 3.1 changes relating
> to the introduction and abstract.
> Status: Closed;
> ACTION A-662-02: MikeKay to make change proposed in comment 11 of Bug 29951.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29951#c14
> ACTION A-662-03: MikeKay to make the change mentioned in comment 2 of the
> Bug 29789 - to add note to FO spec.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29789#c4
> ACTION A-662-05: O¿Neil/Mike to propose a way to version the QT3 test suite
> and Generate white list.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://dev.w3.org/2011/QT3-test-suite/ReportingResults31/report.html
> ACTION A-663-05: Andy Coleman to make the appropriate transition
> request.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2016OctDec/0110.html
> ACTION A-663-06: Andy Coleman to stage the documents and make a
> publication request (assuming a favorable result from the director's
> call).
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2016Dec/0002.html
> ACTION A-663-07: Andy Coleman to stage the document and make the
> publication request.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2016Dec/0002.html
> J1.6 Update on related activities
> J1.6.1 Update on XSLT WG activities (Sharon, MikeK)

Nearing Candidate Rec.

> J1.6.2 Update on EXPath/EXQuery CG activities (Mike)
> J1.7 Future Meetings
> J1.7.1 QT Meeting Schedule
> [V47] Joint XML Query/XSL WG meeting schedule
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2016Dec/0003.html
> J1.7.2 Future F2F Meetings
> J1.7.2.1 Other future F2F meetings
> (none)
> J2. Documents For Review
> (none)
> J3. Maintenance Issues
> J3.0 The XML Query WG and XSLT WG do not intend to maintains specs
> earlier than the 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches
> Recommendation, maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.
> This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other problems
> reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) suite of specifications.
> J3.0.1 Concerns raised by the XSLT working group in regards to potential
> completion delays of XSLT 3.0 if XPath 3.0 is made obsoleted by 3.1
> Status: Pending the outcome of Abel's review of 3.0 bugs/errata.
>         Any change to the status of the 3.0 specs requires explicit XSL WG
>         consultation.
> J3.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of joint XML Query WG and
> XSLT WG documents
> (none)
> J4. Active Specification Development
> ** Note: Full Text 3.1 has been removed from the WG agenda.
> If, in the future, there is sufficient interest (i.e. at least two
> independent participants to develop the spec and implementations),
> then this can be brought back on the agenda.
> J4.1 Data Model 3.1 (Andy)
> J4.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> J4.2 Functions and Operators 3.1 (Mike Kay)
> J4.2.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/src/changes.txt
> J4.2.1 Bug 30041 - [FO31] year-from-date() with negative years
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=30041
> Status: Ready to discuss

MKay reviews bug.

CMSM: This turns a grey area into a clear area.
It does not break anything that was conformant before.
It's editorial.

DECISION: it's editorial.

> J4.3 Serialization 3.1 (Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Andy)
> J4.3.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> J4.4 XPath 3.1 (Jonathan)
> J4.4.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> J4.5 Grammar Test Applets (Michael Dyck)
> (none)
> J4.6 QT3 test suite (O'Neil)
> J4.6.1 Status report on test suite, harness, tools

Recent bugs:

Bug 30038 - Test prod-AxisStep / cbcl-path-nodes-and-atomics

MKay: It's minor.

ACTION A-664-01: O'Neil to resolve the bug as suggested in comment 0.


Bug 30039 - Schema substitution.xsd depends on XSD 1.0

MKay: Quite complex.

DECISION: Resolve the bug as indicated in comment 2.

ACTION A-664-02: O'Neil to do so.

> J4.6.2 Status of 3.1 tests results
> Status: Currently five implementers submitted results
> J5. Progression of Work
> J5.1 XQuery 3.1, XQueryX 3.1, XPath 3.1, XDM 3.1, F&O 3.1, Serialization 3.1
> J5.1.1 Current status
> * In Candidate Recommendation
> * Potential coordination of dates with XSLT 3.0
> J5.1.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression
> * Awaiting end of revised CR period; 10 January 2017
> * PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request
> J5.1.3 Vote to progress to PR
> Status: WG agreed to progress

DECISION: The WG unanimously agreed to progress the suite of docs to PR.

ACTION A-664-03: Andy to make the necessary transition and publication requests
to progress the current suite of docs to PR.

> J5.2 Update 3.0
> J5.2.1 Current Status
> * In Last Call Working Draft
> At XML Prague, Liam talked to a few people about XQuery Update but found no
> great enthusiasm for doing the work.  We cannot progress without plansfor a
> test suite and potential implementers.
> The WG needs to decide what to do with this spec.
> Status: Ready to discuss

JRobie: I don't think the WG has resources to promise to take it to Rec.
I would like to see it published as Note.

MKay: No motivation to finish.

Liam: We could post on the mailing list, separate from minutes, in case
someone says "Oh Dear, I really want this spec", but that's unlikely.

DECISION: Vote unanimously to publish "XQuery Update 3.0" as WG Note.

DECISION: Vote unanimously to publish "XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements
and Use Cases" as WG Note.

ACTION A-664-04: Andy to update status and submit pub requests.

> J5.2.2 Require owner of XQUF 3.0 Test Suite
> J5.2.3 Dependencies inhibiting progression
> * CR Transition Request and authorization, CR pub request
> * Completion of test suite minimum-required-to-declare-victory
> * Sufficient implementation experience and reports thereof
> * Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters
> * PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request
> J5.3 XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases
> J5.3.1 Current Status
> * Working Group Node
> J6. Any other business
> J6.1 Consideration of future work
> J6.1.1 QT 3.2
> The WGs decided that we will finish the 3.1 documents presently under way,
> but undertake no new work. Maintenance work should be planned upon fora
> period of time after finishing the specifications.
> J6.1.2 FT 3.1
> Currently inadequate interest and resources
> J6.1.3 Update 3.1
> Currently inadequate interest and resources
> J7. Adjourn
> =======================
> XML Query Working Group
> =======================
> Q1. The XML Query WG does not intend to maintains specs earlier than the
> 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches Recommendation,
> maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.
> Q1.0 This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other
> problems reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) XML Query WG suite of
> specifications.
> Q1.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of XML Query WG documents
> (none)
> Q2. Active Specification Development
> Q2.1 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 (John)
> Q2.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/src/changes.txt
> * The WG needs to obtain implementation experience with this document.
> Q2.1.1 Bug 30017 - UpdatingFunctionCall use of PrimaryExpr makes the grammar
> ambiguous
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=30017
> Status: Ready to discuss

DECISION: Resolve it as Works For Me.

> Q2.2 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases (Andy)
> See
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xquery-update-30/html/Overview.html
> * The WGs need to be certain that this document is completed
> (red/yellow/green bullets on requirements, all the use cases intended to
> be published) and a decision made to advance it to WG Note.
> Q2.3 XQuery 3.1 (Jonathan)
> Q2.3.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> Q2.4 XQueryX 3.1 (Josh)
> Q2.4.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/src/changes.txt
> (none)
> Q3. Test Suite Development
> Q3.1 Update Facility 3.0 Test Suite (????)
> * Need test suite developer/manager
> * Need tests
> Q4. Any other business
> Q5. Adjourn
> Unless stated otherwise above:
> IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number
> 741598.
> Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO63AU

Received on Tuesday, 10 January 2017 17:30:23 UTC