Minutes of XML Query / XSLT WG joint teleconference #663, 2016-12-06

The XML Query and XSLT WGs held their joint teleconference #663 at the
usual time on 2016-12-06.

The agenda (quoted here in the minutes) is at

Andy Coleman chaired this meeting.

> This week, I'd like us to work on the following items:
> J4.2 (F&O)
> J4.6 (Test suite)
> J5   (Progression)
> ** J5.3.2 Vote to republish XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases WG Note
> ** J5.1.3 Vote to progress six documents to PR

> Key:
> J = Joint Query/XSLT meeting;
> Q = Query-only meeting

> Teleconference connection details
> ---------------------------------

> (Member only)
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2015Sep/0014.html

> ====================

RESOLVED: to close bug 30022 "[xdm 3.1] minor editorial changes in
introduction and conformance" as FIXED (once Andy has made the
required changes).

RESOLVED: to close bug 30025 as WORKSFORME, accepting the analysis in
MK's comment 1.

RESOLVED: to close bug 30024 as FIXED (on the grounds that we have
changed the spec editorially to address the issue).

RESOLVED: to close bug 30006 "[XP31] Ignorable whitespace (probably
editorial)" as WORKSFORME.

RESOLVED unanimously: to request progression of the six documents
listed above (XDM 3.1, XPath 3.1, F&O 3.1, Serialization 3.1, XQuery
3.1, XQueryX 3.1) to Proposed Recommendations.

RESOLVED unanimously: to republish XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use

> ================

ACTION A-663-01: Andy Coleman to make the required changes
(specifically add the suggested Note in the Conformance section; no
change needed to diagram of atomics) to XDM and close bug 30022 "[xdm
3.1] minor editorial changes in introduction and conformance" as

ACTION A-663-02: MK to respond to original commentor (Thomas Fischer)
w.r.t. our decision on bug 30025 "[F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading

ACTION A-663-03: MK to respond to original commentor w.r.t. our
decision on bug 30024 "[F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?" (FIXED).

ACTION A-663-04: MK to address test suite bug 30023 [qt3ts]
fn-transform-err-9a (which he may already have fixed).

ACTION A-663-05: Andy Coleman to make the appropriate transition

ACTION A-663-06: Andy Coleman to stage the documents and make a
publication request (assuming a favorable result from the director's

ACTION A-663-07: Andy Coleman to stage the document and make the
publication request.

> ===================================================
> Joint XML Query Working Group and XSL Working Group
> ===================================================

> J1. Administrative Items

> J1.1 Selection of secretary(s)

> Michael Sperberg-McQueen has been asked to take the minutes.  Michael Dyck 
> has been asked to stand by.

MSM took these minutes.

> Most recent secretaries (least-recent participants first):
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> (This list identifies the most recent three occasions when each 
> participant acted as Secretary for the Task Force.  The person whose 
> name is at the top of the list should plan to take the minutes at the 
> meeting identified by this agenda; if that person is unavailable, then 
> the job will fall to the next person on the list, etc.

> Michael Dyck        - 2016-10-04, 2016-06-14, 2016-03-08
> Abel Braaksma       - 2016-10-18, 2016-06-28
> Liam Quin           - 2016-10-25, 2016-09-13, 2016-05-03
> Josh Spiegel        - 2016-11-01, 2016-07-19, 2016-03-15
> Jonathan Robie      - 2016-11-08, 2016-07-05, 2016-04-12
> Mike Kay            - 2016-11-15, 2016-07-26, 2016-04-26
> O'Neil Delpratt     - 2016-11-29, 2016-09-06, 2016-04-19
> Michael Sprbrg-McQn - 2016-12-06, 2016-09-27, 2016-06-07 


> Note to secretary: During the meeting, take a note of the Webex 
> participants, then list in the minutes those present and those who sent 
> regrets.  All others will be presumed to have been absent without regrets.

> XML Query WG membership list: 
> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=18797&order=org

> XSL WG membership list: 
> http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=19552&order=org


    Andrew Coleman (IBM Corporation)
    O'Neil Delpratt 
    Michael Dyck    
    Michael Kay 
    Liam Quin (W3C Staff)
    Jonathan Robie (EMC Corporation)
    C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
    Josh Spiegel (Oracle Corporation)


  Abel Braaksma

> J1.3 Approval of agenda
> J1.3.1 Additions, deletions, or corrections?

No changes were made to the agenda.

> J1.4 Review of recent minutes and administrative items
> J1.4.1 Minutes of meeting #662 (O'Neil)
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2016Nov/0045.html

Accepted as a true record.

> J1.5 Review of action items
> NOTE: Please be prepared to respond quickly on your action items!
> J1.5.1 Outstanding action items

> ACTION A-657-12: ABr to create more tests for fn:transform, as he 
> describes in bug 29834
> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-11-26

Skipped, ABr being absent.

> ACTION A-658-07 Liam to review MIME type registration for XQuery 3.1
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

Done.  There were two changes, both of which Josh has done.

> ACTION A-661-04 (Bug 29997) AB to fix up the dependencies on the 
> fn:transform tests and if appropriate resubmit results.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.


> ACTION A-661-06 (Bug 29949) OND to decide which approach to take and do 
> it. Alternatives suggested include (a) adding a (rather specialized 
> dependency) for these tests, or (b) dropping the tests, or (c) alternative 
> results.
> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-12-06

OND reported that there are some difficulties at the moment with
transform tests, as the spec is changing.

MK has started work on the transform() tests, following on from our
decisions about the saved option.

For the moment, all the transform() tests are being excluded from
results, on the basis that there is a recent spec change that renders
all results invalid.

AC:  so we have no coverage of transform() at all?

MK: yes; we might exclude more selectively, but there are a lot of
tests and it will be a bit fiddly.

Roll this action forward to next week.

> ACTION A-661-09 (Bug 29959 – fn:put) JR: Amend XQ 3.1 requirements 
> (changing the status of this requirement). (And while there under 2.4.4 
> collations, there is a misreference to fn:put()).
> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-12-06

JR has fixed the file and built, but is having trouble checking it in.

> ACTION A-661-10 (Bug 29959 – fn:put) JR: In the XQuery 3.1 spec, get rid 
> of the optional fn:put() feature
> Status: Pending; ETA 2016-12-06

Done and checked in.

> ACTION A-662-01: Josh and Jonathan to review the XQuery 3.1 changes 
> relating to the introduction and abstract.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

Done and checked in.  Close.

> ACTION A-662-02: MikeKay to make change proposed in comment 11 of Bug 
> 29951.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

Done; close.

> ACTION A-662-03: MikeKay to make the change mentioned in comment 2 of the 
> Bug 29789 - to add note to FO spec.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

Done; close.

> ACTION A-662-04: MikeKay to investigate bug 29932
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

Not done; test case bug.  ETA 13 December 2016.

> ACTION A-662-05: O’Neil/Mike to propose a way to version the QT3 test 
> suite and Generate white list.
> Status: Pending; ETA not specified.

OND has been working on this. Done, to be discussed today. Action item
can be closed.

> J1.5.2 Completed action items
> ACTION A-658-01 Liam to review XDM
> Status: Closed; See
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=30022

> ACTION A-658-03 Josh to review XQuery 3.1
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2016Nov/0051.html

> ACTION A-661-01 Jonathan to rebuild XPath/XQuery specs using the HTML5 
> build route.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2016Nov/0042.html

> ACTION A-661-02 Josh to rebuild the XQueryX specs using the HTML5 build 
> route.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-query/2016Nov/0040.html

> ACTION A-661-07 (Bug 29952) MK to investigate these tests.
> Status: Closed; See
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=29952#c1

> J1.6 Update on related activities

> J1.6.1 Update on XSLT WG activities (Sharon, MikeK)

MK reported that the XSLT WG is a couple of weeks behind the joint
group w.r.t. publication, but we are nearing the point of completion.
Perhaps PR in mid-January?

> J1.6.2 Update on EXPath/EXQuery CG activities (Mike)

MK said there was nothing to report. The spec is very very close to
done, but has been in limbo for a couple of years, because no one has
the time to push it over the finish line.

> J1.7 Future Meetings
> J1.7.1 QT Meeting Schedule

> [V45] Joint XML Query/XSL WG meeting schedule
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xsl-query/2016Jul/0003.html

Christmas is coming up; AC proposes that we MAY meet next week, but no
meetings then until 5 January (so: no meetings 20 or 27 December).

JR noted that Open Text is not going to acquire the CTO's office of
Documentum, which means that JR will not be working for Open Text. JR
and AC will discuss offline how to keep JR available for the work.

> J1.7.2 Future F2F Meetings
> J1.7.2.1 Other future F2F meetings
> (none)

> J2. Documents For Review
> (none)

> J3. Maintenance Issues

> J3.0 The XML Query WG and XSLT WG do not intend to maintains specs 
> earlier than the 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches 
> Recommendation, maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.

> This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other problems 
> reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) suite of specifications.

> J3.0.1 Concerns raised by the XSLT working group in regards to potential
> completion delays of XSLT 3.0 if XPath 3.0 is made obsoleted by 3.1

> Status: Pending the outcome of Abel's review of 3.0 bugs/errata.
>         Any change to the status of the 3.0 specs requires explicit XSL WG
>         consultation. 

> J3.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of joint XML Query WG and 
> XSLT WG documents

> (none)

> J4. Active Specification Development

> ** Note: Full Text 3.1 has been removed from the WG agenda.
> If, in the future, there is sufficient interest (i.e. at least two
> independent participants to develop the spec and implementations),
> then this can be brought back on the agenda.

> J4.1 Data Model 3.1 (Andy)

> J4.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-datamodel-31/src/changes.txt

> (none)

There were no substantive bugs open, but we did discuss one editorial issue:

Bug 30022 [xdm 3.1] minor editorial changes in introduction and

Most of this has been taken care of. 

One question raised and not yet finally dealt with is: does xs:error
belong in this diagram? We discussed, and concluded that it does not:
the diagram shows atomic types, and formally xs:error is a union type.

We also briefly discussed the wisdom of adding the suggested note to
XDM pointing implementors to xml:base and xml:id; once it was
clarified that the proposed change is a non-normative Note, we had
agreement that it might help and would do no harm.

RESOLVED: to close bug 30022 "[xdm 3.1] minor editorial changes in
introduction and conformance" as FIXED (once Andy has made the
required changes).

ACTION A-663-01: Andy Coleman to make the required changes
(specifically add the suggested Note in the Conformance section; no
change needed to diagram of atomics) to XDM and close bug 30022 "[xdm
3.1] minor editorial changes in introduction and conformance" as

> J4.2 Functions and Operators 3.1 (Mike Kay)

> J4.2.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xpath-functions-31/src/changes.txt

> J4.2.1 Bug 30025 - [F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading name
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=30025

> Status: Ready to discuss.

This came from the comments list.  We discussed.

RESOLVED: to close bug 30025 as WORKSFORME, accepting the analysis in
MK's comment 1.

ACTION A-663-02: MK to respond to original commentor (Thomas Fischer)
w.r.t. our decision on bug 30025 "[F+O3.1] array:join() - misleading

> J4.2.2 Bug 30024 - [F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=30024

> Status: Ready to discuss.

RESOLVED: to close bug 30024 as FIXED (on the grounds that we have
changed the spec editorially to address the issue).

ACTION A-663-03: MK to respond to original commentor w.r.t. our
decision on bug 30024 "[F+O 3.1] Is map:entry superfluous?" (FIXED).

> J4.3 Serialization 3.1 (Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Andy)

> J4.3.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/html/Overview-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xslt-xquery-serialization-31/src/changes.txt

> (none)

> J4.4 XPath 3.1 (Jonathan)

> J4.4.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xpath-31-diff.html
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt

> (none)

We discussed Bug 30006 "[XP31] Ignorable whitespace (probably

There was fear that changes intended to be editorial might
accidentally introduce substantive differences; there was also some
sentiment that the changes were not worth making.

RESOLVED: to close bug 30006 "[XP31] Ignorable whitespace (probably
editorial)" as WORKSFORME.

JR will close the bug.

> J4.5 Grammar Test Applets (Michael Dyck)

> (none)

> J4.6 QT3 test suite (O'Neil)

We examined several open bugs:

Bug 29949 [QT3TS] fn-transform-err-10, 11, 12

Left open for now; open action on this one.

Bug 29997 [QT3TS] many fn-transform tests could work in XPath?

Left open for now; open action on this one. 

Bug 29932 spec examples contain extra whitespace

Left open for now; open action on this one. 

Bug 30023 [qt3ts] fn-transform-err-9a

MK thought he might have fixed this in passing in the course of his
work on the transform() tests.

ACTION A-663-04: MK to address test suite bug 30023 [qt3ts]
fn-transform-err-9a (which he may already have fixed).

> J4.6.1 Status report on test suite, harness, tools

OND has refreshed the test report at

He has updated the text at the top; version numbers.

Exselt has dropped out of the XPath 3.1 summary table, since it's only
testing transform() and those tests are currently excluded.

Most of the red ink is gone; one remaining red spot is the five tests
under Results for Optional Features in Combination which have been
passed by no implementations.

We discussed the five tests; two of them (collection 0002 and 0004)
have not been reported by any implementations.

One gray area: under schema import, six tests are passed by only
single implementations. (MK said he thought that was the intersection
of xsd import and static typing.) The tests are substitution-020
through substitution-025.

LQ asked whether summary messages like those about n tests being
passed by m implementations could link direct to a list consisting of
just those tests. Or perhaps it would be simpler to add them to the
white list.

MSM asked about the uca-advanced-fallback tests; MK explained that
these tests rely on a test-suite feature keyword that has not been
implemented in implementors' test harnesses. It does not indicate a
gap in the implementation of the spec.

LQ reported that the director's call is scheduled for tomorrow at 11
am Eastern Time (assuming that we vote today to progress the specs).
Editors are welcome to sit on IRC, but the meeting itself will involve
LQ and two other Team members.

Documents don't need to be staged until after the call.

> J4.6.2 Status of 3.1 tests results

> Status: Currently five implementers submitted results

> J5. Progression of Work

> J5.1 XQuery 3.1, XQueryX 3.1, XPath 3.1, XDM 3.1, F&O 3.1, Serialization 
> 3.1

> J5.1.1 Current status
> * In Candidate Recommendation
> * Potential coordination of dates with XSLT 3.0

> J5.1.2 Dependencies inhibiting progression
> * Detailed review of specifications by WG

> Participant assigned to each document for detailed review
>   - XDM 3.1           - Liam/Andy - completed
>   - XPath 3.1         - Mike Kay  - completed
>   - F&O 3.1           - Abel      - completed
>   - Serialization 3.1 - Tim       - completed
>   - XQuery 3.1        - Josh      - completed
>   - XQueryX 3.1       - Andy      - completed

> * Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters
> * PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request

> J5.1.3 Vote to progress to PR
> Status: Ready to discuss

RESOLVED unanimously: to request progression of the six documents
listed above (XDM 3.1, XPath 3.1, F&O 3.1, Serialization 3.1, XQuery
3.1, XQueryX 3.1) to Proposed Recommendations.

ACTION A-663-05: Andy Coleman to make the appropriate transition

ACTION A-663-06: Andy Coleman to stage the documents and make a
publication request (assuming a favorable result from the director's

> J5.2 Update 3.0

> J5.2.1 Current Status
> * In Last Call Working Draft

> At XML Prague, Liam talked to a few people about XQuery Update but found 
> no great enthusiasm for doing the work.  We cannot progress without plans 
> for a test suite and potential implementers.  The WG needs to decide what 
> to do with this spec.

> Status: Ready to discuss

> J5.2.2 Require owner of XQUF 3.0 Test Suite

> J5.2.3 Dependencies inhibiting progression

> * CR Transition Request and authorization, CR pub request
> * Completion of test suite minimum-required-to-declare-victory
> * Sufficient implementation experience and reports thereof
> * Formal response to all comments, responses accepted by commenters
> * PR Transition Request and authorization, PR pub request
> * REC Transition Request and authorization, REC pub request

> J5.3 XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases

> J5.3.1 Current Status
> * Working Group Note

> * Since publication, the following requirement has changed from Satisfied 
> to Not Satisfied:

> ** 2.3.4 Serialization: XQuery 3.1 MAY support serialization to multiple 
> resources from a single query.

> J5.3.2 Vote to republish XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use Cases WG Note

> Status: Ready to discuss

RESOLVED unanimously: to republish XQuery 3.1 Requirements and Use

ACTION A-663-07: Andy Coleman to stage the document and make the
publication request.

AC and LQ clarified that 8 December is an acceptable publication date
for these.  LQ suggested 13 December would also work.

> J6. Any other business

> J6.1 Consideration of future work

> J6.1.1 QT 3.2

> The WGs decided that we will finish the 3.1 documents presently under way,
> but undertake no new work. Maintenance work should be planned upon for a
> period of time after finishing the specifications. 

> J6.1.2 FT 3.1

> Currently inadequate interest and resources

> J6.1.3 Update 3.1

> Currently inadequate interest and resources

> J7. Adjourn

The group adjourned at 12:29 Eastern Time.

> =======================
> XML Query Working Group
> =======================

> Q1. The XML Query WG does not intend to maintains specs earlier than the 
> 3.0 suite of documents; when the 3.1 suite reaches Recommendation, 
> maintenance of the 3.0 documents will be terminated.

> Q1.0 This agenda item is reserved for reporting errors and other 
> problems reported against the 3.0 (later, 3.1) XML Query WG suite of 
> specifications.

> Q1.1 Bugzilla Bugs filed against the 3.0 suite of XML Query WG documents

> (none)

> Q2. Active Specification Development

> Q2.1 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 (John)

> Q2.1.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/html/Overview.html

> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/html/Overview-diff.html

> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-update-30/src/changes.txt

> * The WG needs to obtain implementation experience with this document.

> Q2.2 XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases (Andy)
> See 
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/requirements/xquery-update-30/html/Overview.html

> * The WGs need to be certain that this document is completed 
> (red/yellow/green bullets on requirements, all the use cases intended to 
> be published) and a decision made to advance it to WG Note.

> Q2.3 XQuery 3.1 (Jonathan)

> Q2.3.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31.html

> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/html/xquery-31-diff.html

> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xquery-31/src/changes.txt

> (none)

> Q2.4 XQueryX 3.1 (Josh)

> Q2.4.0 Internal working draft
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview.html

> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/html/Overview-diff.html

> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/qtspecs/specifications/xqueryx-31/src/changes.txt

> (none)

> Q3. Test Suite Development

> Q3.1 Update Facility 3.0 Test Suite (????)

> * Need test suite developer/manager

> * Need tests 

> Q4. Any other business

> Q5. Adjourn

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2016 18:13:00 UTC