Bezrukov, Vladislav
Databinding Issue Tracker
- ISSUE-78: fixed length repetition (Thursday, 26 October)
- ISSUE-77: Versioning of data structures (Tuesday, 24 October)
- ISSUE-76: Advanced Pattern 3.1.1 NoTargetNamespace disallowed by WS-I BP1.1 R2105 (Tuesday, 24 October)
- ISSUE-75: pattern for IEEE754r (floating point numbers) (Thursday, 19 October)
- ISSUE-74: Relative URIs in targetNamespace schemaLocation (Wednesday, 18 October)
- ISSUE-73: Do we allow DTDs, external entities, etc. (Monday, 16 October)
- ISSUE-72: relationship to XPath 2.0 (Monday, 9 October)
- ISSUE-71: Relationship with WS-I Basic Profile (Friday, 6 October)
- ISSUE-70: empty Enumeration as a Null Datatype (Thursday, 5 October)
George Cowe
Paul Kiel
- ISSUE-12 - status of the patterns detector (Wednesday, 25 October)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 24 October 2006 (Tuesday, 24 October)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 17 October 2006 (Tuesday, 24 October)
- Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding telcon 24 October 2006 (Tuesday, 24 October)
- Patterns and Examples Overview documents (Tuesday, 24 October)
- ISSUE-68: import Schema Namespace and PHP5 (Thursday, 19 October)
- RE: ISSUE-74: Relative URIs in targetNamespace schemaLocation (Thursday, 19 October)
- RE: ISSUE-74: Relative URIs in targetNamespace schemaLocation (Thursday, 19 October)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 17 October 2006 - Take2 (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 17 October 2006 (Wednesday, 18 October)
- Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding telcon 10 October 2006 (Monday, 16 October)
- RE: issue checking (Friday, 13 October)
- RE: issue checking (Friday, 13 October)
- RE: ISSUE-12, etc conformance section (Thursday, 12 October)
- ACTION-80: review ISSUES list against the edtodo list (Thursday, 12 October)
- ISSUE-12, etc conformance section (Wednesday, 11 October)
- RE: issue checking (Wednesday, 11 October)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 10 October 2006 (Tuesday, 10 October)
- RE: ISSUE-68: xs:import of Schema 1.0 namespace (Monday, 9 October)
- Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding telcon 10 October 2006 (Sunday, 8 October)
- Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding F2F 5th-6th October 2006 (Saturday, 7 October)
- Agenda: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding F2F 5-6 October 2006 (Monday, 2 October)
Pete Cordell
Last message date: Thursday, 26 October 2006 08:12:57 UTC