- From: <paul.downey@bt.com>
- Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:42:00 +0100
- To: <public-xsd-databinding@w3.org>
Minutes from today's telcon are now available: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/6/10/24-databinding-minutes.html and pasted below for tracker's searching: - DRAFT - Databinding WG Teleconference 24 Oct 2006 Agenda See also: IRC log Attendees Present Jon Calladine (BT) Paul Downey (BT) Otu Ekanem (BT) Yves Lafon (W3C) Vladislav Bezrukov (SAP AG) Hugo Haas (Yahoo!) (Observer) Regrets George Cowe (Origo Services Limited) Chair pauld Scribe pauld Contents * Topics 1. Administrivia 2. Status of Deliverables 3. ISSUE-2: test suite 4. ISSUE-12: identifying a conformant schema 5. ISSUE-68: xs:import of Schema 1.0 namespace 6. ISSUE-10: Mapping Element and Type names * Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________________ <trackbot> Date: 24 October 2006 <scribe> Scribe: pauld Administrivia minutes from the 17th approved <Yves> http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-databinding-minutes.html WG welcomes Hugo Haas from Yahoo! as an observer discussion of interop event yves: having people in a room would help socialisation and crafting of tests jonc: getting end users involved would be a challenge pauld: getting vendors to participate has been difficult ... organising around the W3C Workshop on Enterprise Services might help hugo: an interop event sounds appealing, not too high cost from vendors and may help build test cases yves: also a mini-TP around then in Boston, could be co-located pauld: OK, let's consider an event early 2007 in Boston, we can always cancell if we get no interest Status of Deliverables pauld: built some "traffic lights" to schema validate our instance documents, and if the detected patterns match the expected status: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/examples/6/09/ http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/patterns/6/09/ pauld: can we change the normative XPaths without the change being considered substantive? yves: we will at least have the text? pauld: we have very little text as the XPaths are normative yves: sounds like we would have to go back to Last Call pauld: will ensure the XPaths are correct, then! pauld: will call for a vote to go to Last Call for Basic on Tuesday pauld: can we publish a first WD of Advanced? vlad: sections 2.1 and 2.2 are missing pauld: OK, that looks editorial, I'll fix./ pauld: hearing no objections, we'll plan to publish first WD of Advanced alongside LC of Basic ISSUE-2: test suite pauld: worked on the test client, still Perl, still works on separate files hugo: took a brief look, seems sensible approach otu: took a look at WCF, svcgen no longer generates a server databinding, only interfaces. Suggested we use Visual Studio 2005, but you want a scripted interface. otu: also started to look at Python ZSI, struggling with lack of documentation pauld: WCF still generates a client databinding no? otu: we can turn this inside out yves: may get time to work on XMLUnit later this week pauld: will publish test suite page and ping WSO2 for assistance ISSUE-12: identifying a conformant schema pauld: there's a stylesheet on the bottom of the patterns page, should work on Schemas and WSDLs (though not tried many WSDLs) pauld: we still need to follow schema import and include and detect UTF-8 etc yves: if we think the pattern detector we have works, but will still look at an alternative approach pauld: could still be useful, but let's make it lower priority than XMLUnit pauld: anticipate having to write some non-XSLT code to check some of our non-XPath based assertions ISSUE-68: xs:import of Schema 1.0 namespace pauld: submitted evidence on why it's not Basic pattern, but is it Advanced? vladislav: SAP implementations now support this pauld: so it sounds advanced, let's see if Priscilla comes up with any new info on why it might be a bad idea before closing it. ISSUE-10: Mapping Element and Type names vladislav: we have had limitations mapping Unicode characters to language constructs ... also we have length limitations hugo: do you have a sense of a "safe" character set? <Yves> http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/issues/10/ pauld: difficult - Fortran or COBOL might offer a lowest common denominator, but no obvious lowest subset exists, but we seem to be moving towards Python's subset ... plan to close this issue based on testing next week <scribe> ACTION: vladislav to report on naming convention supported by his toolkit [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-databinding-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-87 - Report on naming convention supported by his toolkit [on Vladislav Bezrukov - due 2006-10-31]. Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: vladislav to report on naming convention supported by his toolkit [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-databinding-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes]
Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2006 17:42:13 UTC