Minutes: XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Telcon 17 October 2006 - Take2

sorry, my cut-and-paste skills need refining, let me try again!

minutes from yesterday's telcon are now available:


and are copied below for Tracker's searching.

Thanks to George for scribing!


                                   - DRAFT -

                         Databinding WG Teleconference

17 Oct 2006


   See also: IRC log


          Jon Calladine (BT)
          George Cowe (Origo Services Limited)
          Paul Downey (BT)
          Otu Ekanem (BT)
          Yves Lafon (W3C)
          Vladislav Bezrukov (SAP AG)



          gcowe, pauld


     * Topics
         1. ISSUE-2: Test Suite
         2. ISSUE-12
         3. ISSUE-68
         4. ISSUE-71
         5. ISSUE-73
         6. ISSUE-10
         7. LAST CALL
     * Summary of Action Items

   George and Paul are in Edinburgh and have been working on the pattern
   detection (2 days)

   Last 2 sets of minutes approved

   no progress on interop event

   Status of Deliverables: Paul - tidied up patterns and examples

   pauld: Did a whole bunch of editing, confident we've all our closed
   Basic issues recorded in the Basic document. please review our
   documents, in particular the conformance section.

   pauld: ditched the edtodo list, will track outstanding editorial work
   using ednotes in the specs. Tracker isn't helpful here.

   Yves: we could close issues with an ACTION for editors ..

   pauld: being neglectful in doing this.

   George reported on issues/patterns/examples checking using a tool

ISSUE-2: Test Suite

   pauld: still need to put up a test suite page, and document process
   for producing the reports

   otu: been working on a test report for Microsoft's .NET 3.0 (WCF),
   need some help

   pauld: will work with you on this tomorrow in London


   Yves approach of visiting each node still sounds interesting. We've
   been moving towards this rather than trying to bend schematron

   patterns have been revisited and changed to ensure they all return a
   nodeset of the elements and attributes 'touched'

   Yves: are we using Saxon8 - xslt2?

   <gcowe> yes

   <pauld> we flag our XPath 2.0 requirement using XSLT version="2.0"

   <pauld> patterns source:

   <pauld> examples source:

   paul explains how patterns.xml is used to gen an xsl which detects
   patterns present in a schema but highlights elements outside the

   pauld: we now generate our own XSLT directly, though you can implement
   this in Java. Calling a Schema processor as a check first sounds like
   a must for a validator.

   <pauld> patterns2detector source:

   <pauld> generated patternsdetector:


   this seems to be a testing tool issue - passed to testing team in WS-I


   relationship with WS-I Basic Profile - do we draw attention to the
   fact that the BP is less restrictive wrt schema?


   jon: should we mention this in the normative text (introduction?)


   <pauld> ACTION: pdowney to make reference to R2800 in the WS-I
   relationship [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-84 - Make reference to R2800 in the WS-I


   our spec follows the BP and works as the XML level. We don't reference
   the infoset and this means we may allow or disallow DTDs and entities
   and other XML serialisation artifacts directly.

   Yves: don't think we need to mention the infoset in the spec

   pauld: compare this with our constraint on UTF-8/16 encoding
   ... should we specifically allow/disallow DTDs ?

   Yves: this is depend on the context in which our specification is used

   pauld: do we need test cases with a DTD and entities?


   <Yves> SOAP 1.2: The XML infoset of a SOAP message MUST NOT contain a
   document type declaration information item.

   vlad: is the use of DTDs by xslt processors well supported?

   pauld: yes seems to be, more of an issue will be when an
   implementation in Java or C doesn't use a XML processor. Seems
   unlikely these days.

   <scribe> ACTION: pdowney to collect evidence where this is used in
   practise [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-85 - Collect evidence where this is used in

   <scribe> ACTION: pdowney create a test case for DTD [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-86 - Create a test case for DTD [on Paul
   Downey - due

   <pauld> http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/databinding/issues/open


   <scribe> no progress, hope to be able to close this on next week's


   need to close off all our open issues for Basic

   planning to move to LC next week, subject to closing our remaining
   issues - if you have issues for Basic, please send them in now!

   will complete all editorial work and demonstrate the validity of our
   Basic patterns using our detector and rollup report running the
   patterns against the examples

   will call for a vote either on a telcon, or ask for objections via the
   memeber list.

   gcowe: not on call next week - so gives proxy to BT for Last call!

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: pdowney create a test case for DTD [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: pdowney to collect evidence where this is used in
   practise [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: pdowney to make reference to R2800 in the WS-I
   relationship [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2006 09:36:25 UTC