- From: Pete Cordell <petexmldev@tech-know-ware.com>
- Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 10:13:39 +0100
- To: <paul.downey@bt.com>, <public-xsd-databinding@w3.org>
Just for the record, I have no objections to your proposals in issues 39 to 48. Pete. -- ============================================= Pete Cordell Tech-Know-Ware Ltd for XML to C++ data binding visit http://www.tech-know-ware.com/lmx (or http://www.xml2cpp.com) ============================================= ----- Original Message ----- From: <paul.downey@bt.com> To: <public-xsd-databinding@w3.org> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:59 PM Subject: Minutes from XML Schema Patterns for Databinding call 9 May 2006 Minutes from today's call are now available here: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/databinding/6/5/09-databinding-minutes.html and below for Tracker's searching - DRAFT - Databinding WG Teleconference 9 May 2006 Agenda See also: IRC log Attendees Present Jon Calladine, (BT) George Cowe (Origo Services) Paul Downey (Chair, BT) Otu Ekanem (BT) Regrets Ajith Ranabahu (WSO2) Chair pauld Scribe pauld Contents * Topics 1. ISSUE-34: multiple schemas for a single namespace 2. Administrivia 3. ISSUE-36: Tool selection for testing of basic pattern assertions 4. Contribution of Schemas 5. ISSUE-10: Mapping Element and Type names 6. ISSUE-39: importing components from another namespace 7. ISSUE-40: XML Schema document encoding 8. ISSUE-41: annotation and documentation elements as basic patterns 9. ISSUE-42: schema version and ID attributes as a basic patterns 10. AOB * Summary of Action Items ISSUE-34: multiple schemas for a single namespace pauld: relates progress in the WS-I WG ... preferred outcome? george: ideal outcome is to have our practice enshired, but as usual practicalities with tools and what our customers want may lead to a different outcome being acceptable. Administrivia last weeks minutes approved canvas of likely f2f participation for the Agenda expecting WD publication soon ISSUE-36: Tool selection for testing of basic pattern assertions discussion of how we work pauld: "basic" means "Known to work well with current toolkits" and really aimed at schema authors pauld: "advanced" means "in widespread use and really no reason to not work well with toolkits" jonc: and "Design Considerations"? pauld: unhappy about "Design Considerations" becoming a bucket for "weasel words" pauld: .. e.g. xs:choice doesn't work in Axis ADB and yet is a basic pattern george: don't forget that Axis is used in many Websphere implementations pauld: working on the assumption that doesn't work in .NET at least means *doesn't* fit into basic patterns pauld: we'll enumerate the tools we're aware of subject to ACTION-19 jonc: happy to use the test report as a means of documenting the toolkits we actually used, rather than those we plan to use. pauld: others can supply evidence of running our tests to get on the CR report Contribution of Schemas george: am building an example schema which contains patterns important to Origo pauld: contribution of individual patterns most helpful in tracking issues and updating our document pauld: been looking at other vertical schemas, hence last week's DOS attack on the issues list ISSUE-10: Mapping Element and Type names pauld: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsd-databinding/2006May/0000 ... am fairly unhappy with this proposal, feel we need some testing in this area may clarify matters for the Basic patterns jonc: Design Consideration is again a little weak for an obvious problem with tools george: we use a simple naming convention ... unaware of mapping mechanism in Axis or .NET <scribe> ACTION: pdowney build test cases for ISSUE-10 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/05/09-databinding-minutes.html#action02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-37 - Build test cases for ISSUE-10 [on Paul Downey - due 2006-05-16]. jonc: test cases are a good way to document "anti-patterns" ISSUE-39: importing components from another namespace pauld: these patterns don't prevent other patterns being added if they interoperate, e.g. multiple schema locations. Our experience is these patterns work well and are good enough. RESOLUTION: ISSUE-39 closed with enclosed proposed patterns ISSUE-40: XML Schema document encoding pauld: took Basic Profile text on schema document encoding, makes sense if we're at least as restrictive, if not more so. george: happy with this, we currently make use of ISO-8859-1, but expect to move to UTF-8 soon RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-40 with enclosed proposal ISSUE-41: annotation and documentation elements as basic patterns george: unaware of issues with databinding and documentation elements jonc: seen issues with a large WSDL documents and XMLSpy pauld: would simple test cases help in this area? <scribe> ACTION: pdowney to produce a documentation pattern test case [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/05/09-databinding-minutes.html#action03] <trackbot> Created ACTION-38 - Produce a documentation pattern test case [on Paul Downey - due 2006-05-16]. ISSUE-42: schema version and ID attributes as a basic patterns pauld: version discussed in WSDL WG jonc: does it change anything on the wire? RESOLUTION: close ISSUE-42 with enclosed proposal AOB o2: been working on the automated test kits, making progress Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: pdowney build test cases for ISSUE-10 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/05/09-databinding-minutes.html#action02] [NEW] ACTION: pdowney to produce a documentation pattern test case [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/05/09-databinding-minutes.html#action03] [End of minutes]
Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2006 09:14:12 UTC