RE: XML Signature 2.0 Strawman Proposal

Thanks Juan Carlos for your feedback.

I'm not sure I fully understand your XAdES signature scenario. Note that my
proposal SUPPORTS signing references to external objects; my change is that
for enveloped objects (those within the <Signature> tags) to be inside
<SignedInfo> rather than outside <SignedInfo> (but still inside
<Signature>). Can you provide an example.

I should explain the Manifest question more. My thought is that support for
profiles may negate the need for manifests -- I will add some text to that

Re your canonicalization point...the canonicalization I describe should
simplify things for all signatures be they enveloping, enveloped, detached,
or hybrid -- the focus is on simplifying the canonicalization of
<SignedInfo>. I'll write more on this later.

Again, thanks very much for your review.

Ed Simon <>
Principal, XMLsec Inc. 
(613) 726-9645 

Interested in XML, Web Services, or Security? Visit "".

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Includes a chapter, by Ed Simon, on "Protecting Privacy Using XML, XACML,
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See the Table of Contents here: "".

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Juan Carlos
Sent: November 7, 2007 09:24
To: Ed Simon
Subject: Re: XML Signature 2.0 Strawman Proposal

Some initial thoughts on Ed's presentation:

Ed is asking if we need objects that are outside signedInfo. My personal
view is that we actually need. XAdES signatures, for instance reserve a
relevant role for contents of ds:Objects thjat are not signed: they contain
revocation information that some verifier may incorporate after verifying
the signature (actual values or references, or time-stamps) or even
As for Manifest, I would say from what was written in the original XMLSig
that there are use cases for it, so I would also be in favour of keeping it

On canonicalization, if I have correctly understood, the group should deal
only wiht canonicalization of signedInfo and leave outside... so we would
only achieve make things easier only for enveloping signatures, not
dettached or I right?

I think that incorporation of differnt signers is anyway a good thing...

But as I said, these are only first thoughts....


Juan Carlos.
Ed Simon escribió:
> Please find attached, or linked, my current strawman proposal for XML 
> Signature 2.0. These slides are scheduled to be presented on Thursday 
> afternoon.
> Regards,
> Ed
> _____________________________
> Ed Simon <>
> Principal, XMLsec Inc.
> (613) 726-9645
> Interested in XML, Web Services, or Security? Visit " 
> <> ".
> New! "Privacy Protection for E-Services" published by Idea Group
> (ISBN: 1-59140-914-4 for hard cover, 1-59140-915-2 for soft cover).
> Includes a chapter, by Ed Simon, on "Protecting Privacy Using XML, 
> XACML, and SAML".
> See the Table of Contents here: " 
> <> ".

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2007 15:22:42 UTC