Re: c:data/@href idea

Alex Milowski <> writes:
> I've been looking at one of the use cases and realize it would be
> really, really nice if a step could output a reference:
> <c:data href="math.png" content-type="image/png"/>

I wonder how that will play with the ideas Vojtech had about
handling multiple content types flowing through the pipeline.

> That way p:store, etc. can return a standardized reference to a
> resource created.

But p:store already has a standard reference:


> It may be the case that c:data is the wrong element to use for this
> but it seems like it would be useful in some places where c:data is
> used.

Do you have in mind that, like base64 encoding, this would be
"transparent" to the steps. That is that a step processing

  <c:data href="test.xml" content-type="application/xml"/>

would behave exactly as if test.xml had been provided "inline"
(assuming test.xml exists and can be read, of course)?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 413 624 6676

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 01:13:49 UTC