RE: In-scope variable bindings in p:variable

> The third paragraph of 5.7.1 says, of p:variable, in part:
>   ...with the addition of bindings for all preceding-sibling
>   p:variable and p:option elements.
> So I think the example above is pretty clearly allowed.

Thanks, that is exactly what I needed (and missed).

> > Based on the xproc-dev discussion, it
> > looks like Calabash does not support this - but Calumet does.
> That's news to me; 

I am not completely sure about that, I deduced that from the
conversation. Apparently this fails with Calabash ("variable divID not

<p:for-each name="forEachChunk">
  <p:variable name="divID" select="/*/@id"/>
  <p:variable name="ancestorID"
    <p:pipe port=result" step="loadDocument"/>

I suggested a workaround which (per user's response to me) seems to

<p:for-each name="forEachChunk">
  <p:variable name="divID" select="/*/@id"/>
    <p:variable name="ancestorID"
      <p:pipe port=result" step="loadDocument"/>


Received on Tuesday, 22 June 2010 07:12:43 UTC