Publication Request: XProc on 27 May 2009

Dear webreq,

The XML Processing Model WG would like to publish the following

  XProc: An XML Pipeline Lanuage

as a Candidate Recommendation Working Draft on 27 May 2009. Note that
this is simply a revision of an existing CR document being published
in order to inform the community; it does not start a new CR period or
otherwise include any transitions.

The document is staged at

It should be possible to publish it simply by copying it as-is into

The document passes pubrules despite the fact that the online checker
seems unable to find the date necessary to pass test 5.1.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. If 27 May
is an inconvenient date, please suggest an alternate and I'll happily
adjust the pubdate.

Thanks, in advance!

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Everything we love, no doubt, will pass            | away, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps a
                              | thousand years hence. Neither it nor
                              | our love for it is any the less
                              | valuable for that reason.--John Passmore

Received on Thursday, 21 May 2009 18:18:01 UTC