Re: p:label-elements builtin

/ (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
| Prefer: Sequential numbers.
| Live with: A boolean option, default false, if true means 'best
| efforts' to be unique (i.e. as per XSLT), but _no_ guarantee/no
| checking.
| I can't live with uniqueness guarantees (full or partial) -- I want to
| use this for keys, not for IDs.

So labelling this document:

    <para xml:id="_2"/>

would silently produce

  <doc xml:id="_1">
    <para xml:id="_2"/>
    <para xml:id="_2"/>

and that would be ok?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | We think in generalities, but we live            | in detail--Alfred North Whitehead

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2007 12:17:20 UTC