Re: Making progress

Alessandro Vernet wrote:
> But instead of adding the concept of parameters to XProc just for
> XSLT, can't we just deal with that at the level of the XSLT component?
> That would mean passing parameters in a document, say to a
> "parameters" input of the XSLT component.

That was the essence of my proposal. The only addition was <p:parameter> 
because otherwise creating parameter sets based on options is incredibly 

<p:pipeline name="pipe">
   <p:input name="source" />
   <p:option name="view" />
   <p:string-replace name="construct-parameters">
     <p:input port="source">
           <c:parameter name="view" value="" />
     <p:option name="match"
       value="/c:parameters/c:parameter[@name = 'view']" />
     <p:option name="replace" select="$view" />
     <p:input port="source">
       <p:pipe step="pipe" source="source" />
     <p:input port="stylesheet">
       <p:document href="style.xsl" />
     <p:input port="parameters">
       <p:pipe step="construct-parameters" source="result" />


<p:pipeline name="pipe">
   <p:input name="source" />
   <p:option name="view" />
     <p:input port="stylesheet">
       <p:document href="style.xsl" />
     <p:parameter name="view" select="$view" />


Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 25 May 2007 18:49:01 UTC