Making progress

By my estimation, most of the email threads, and the outcomes of most
of our recent telcons (when we've had outcomes), have tended towards
greater complexity and more features.

To a certain extent, I think this is a natural consequence of having
reached a level of stability where people can look around and say
"this is cool, what could I do if..."

Obviously, we have to reach consensus on a design that satisfies our
use cases and requirements and which we all feel meets the needs of
our ultimate users.

With my chair's hat on, however, I feel obligated to point out that we
also need to be finished in 23 weeks. My guess is that V1 of a new
spec needs at least 6 weeks of last call and probably at least 8 weeks
of CR, plus we'll need time to address any issues raised and get
through PR to REC. And I don't think we're likely to be in a position
to call our next draft our Last Call draft.

So realistically, we need to have all the t's crossed and i's dotted
on our document in something like five or six weeks.

I'm not pointing any fingers. I'm not asking anyone to set aside the
issues that they feel passionate about. But I am asking everyone to
keep our timeline in mind and try to exercise some restraint.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | All our foes are mortal.--Paul Valéry            | 

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 19:03:10 UTC