Re: non-matched output port

On 4/30/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> / Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
> | For
> |
> | Head (p:head)
> | Matching Documents (p:subsequence)
> | Tail (p:tail)
> |
> | I propose to add "dual port" or "non matched" output port which will
> | output the rest in a sequence
> I suppose the incremental cost is small. What do others think?


| The same for
> |
> | Delete (p:delete)
> | Replace (p:replace)
> |
> | it would generate a sequence of the node deleted or replaced in a
> sequence

As Norm pointed out, delete might not target a document.  Replace won't
work because of the same reason. There is no reason why you couldn't
replace a text node with an element.

--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 13:59:49 UTC