Re: Standard Component Descriptions


On 11/16/06, Alex Milowski <> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is the same component.  The serialize component
> produces escaped XML for applications that need that.
> [...]
> This root element is the document element.  In the case of producing
> an RSS feed, you'd use a viewport to limit the [p:]serialize step
> to the 'description' elements.

OK, I missed that this component was serializing just the content of
the root element, keeping the root element intact. Then it makes
sense, and is symmetric with p:parse.

The question of what parameters, if any, this component should take is
still open. One obvious option is to have no parameters. Another
option is to take the attributes of <xsl:output> that make sense here
and have those as parameters of p:serialize.

> >> 1.5. [p:]parse
> Yes.  In some cases--like the RSS description element--the contents
> contains more than one element.  If you parsed that data as XML, you'd
> get an error.  Wrapping the contents allows you to parse this as XML.

OK, makes sense.

> >> 2.1. [p:]xquery
> Some queries can be represented by single XML elements.  But to do
> this for every XQuery, we'll need an input wrapper element that the
> component understands.  That could also be a place to put
> query controls.

What would you think of using the "Trivial Embedding of XQuery" of XQueryX?

Blog (XML, Web apps, Open Source):

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2006 03:20:31 UTC