RE: [closed] Re: Handling of 'non-XProc' pipeline sources

> >> What should happen if I pass this document to an XProc 
> processor as the
> >> pipeline source:
> >
> > Per the 5 Feb 2009 minutes, I've added err:XS0059.

There is an overlap between err:XS0052 and err:XS0059 now.

"It is a static error if the URI of a p:import cannot be retrieved or
if, once retrieved, it does not point to a p:library, p:declare-step, or

"It is a static error if the pipeline element is not p:pipeline,
p:declare-step, or p:library."

Is this OK, or do we want to remove that "p:library, p:declare-step,
p:pipeline" bit from err:XS0052 and make p:import refer to both
err:XS0052 and err:XS0059?


Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 07:23:57 UTC