[closed] Re: Output of p:xslt and p:xslt2 / xpointer

/ Vasil Rangelov <boen.robot@gmail.com> was heard to say:
| I don't think prohibiting text transformations by saying
| "
| This step does not serialize the result document. Any serialization
| parameters specified on a xsl:output element inside the stylesheet are
| ignored. Further, the output on the result port must be a well-formed XML
| document; transformations that use non-XML output methods (e.g. the 'text'
| method) may cause a dynamic error.
| "
| Is a solution. There are certainly use cases where one may need text output
| or (especially!) HTML output. XProc should answer those uses cases somehow.

We (now) have serialization controls to handle these cases.

We have no plans to address non-XML outputs in any detail in V1.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Don't use the impudence of a beggar as
http://nwalsh.com/            | an excuse for not helping him.--Rabbi
                              | Shmelke of Nicolsburg

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 17:34:03 UTC