[closed] Re: Saxonica comments on XProc Last-Call WD, sections 5-7


I believe the comments raised in this message have also been (or will
shortly be) addressed. Since we will have to undergo a second Last Call,
you'll have another opportunity to raise any concerns that you feel
weren't adequately addressed.

/ Michael Kay <mike@saxonica.com> was heard to say:
| 5. Technical (Requirements). Section 7.1.1 et al. It's not clear to me that
| it's desirable for XProc to define fine-grained update operations like this.
| It seems to be crossing the boundary from a pipeline processor to
| yet-another-transformation-language. I think these operations can be
| adequately performed by invoking XSLT or XQuery (especially XQuery with
| updates), and that is the approach that should be taken.

Please see our reply to the XSL WG on this point (not yet written, but soon :-)

| 11. Technical. Section 7.1.19. Replace. The functionality seems to be a
| subset of Viewport. Is a separate step type really needed? (This is also
| true for Delete).

While we acknowledge that you can do a replace or a delete with
viewport, we think that the language is easier to use and understand
if we provide atomic steps for common cases. And we believe that
replace and delete are among the common cases.

| 12. Terminology. Section 7.1.25. Unescape markup. This seems a rather
| convoluted name for the operation usually called parsing. Also, the options
| "encoding" and "charset" seem poorly named, since the value of charset is
| what one would normally call an encoding.

Encoding comes from content-encoding. What we typically call
"encoding" is actually the charset parameter to the content-type. We
have to specify which wins when there is an XML declaration which
specifies a different charset.

Yes, it is parsing, but "p:parse" sounds an awfull lot like p:load.
Unescape-markup really doesn't sound like loading. And it's parallel
with escape-markup.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely
http://nwalsh.com/            | as absolute power.--Eric Hoffer

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 16:38:30 UTC