XML Core WG Status and Open Actions as of 2009 May 26

The XML Core WG telcons are every other week.

Our next telcon will be June 3.

Status and open actions

Unicode normalization in XML 1.0
Addison Phillips of I18N sent email about 
Unicode Normalization in XML 1.0 5th Ed.; see

We decided to add a note; Paul sent draft wording for an erratum at

I18N came back with some modifications at

JohnC was okay with the I18N proposal.

Paul made a reply at

I'd really like to hear from others on this, especially Richard/Henry
and Glenn (as well as others).

HTML request for clearer XML serialization
Henry raised the issue that HTML folks think the XML
spec is broken because it doesn't define error recovery
and doesn't discuss serialization.

ACTION to Henry:  Send email to the XML Core WG list
outlining the suggestion to define a serialization spec
including the rationale.

Namespaces in XML 1.0/1.1
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#ns1.0 and

The NS PE doc is at

We closed NPE20 and NPE22 with no action needed; Paul informed I18N:

We had CONSENSUS not to add ns prefix undeclaration to NS 1.0 3rd Ed.
Paul informed XML Security at
and Frederick replied (with no concerns) at

ACTION to Henry:  Close NPE20 and NPE22 with no action/changes.

ACTION to Henry:  Publish NPE29 as an erratum and move forward
toward producing NS 1.0 3rd Edition.

The xml:id Recommendation is at

The Errata document is at

John Cowan submitted a proposed erratum at

At one point we thought we had Consensus:  
The sentence "A document that uses xml:id attributes
that have a declared type other than xs:ID will always generate 
xml:id errors" in Appendix D.3 should be deleted.

But they we reconsidered.  Henry sent further email at

We did agree that applying xml:id processing does not have
any impact on the DTD/XSD validity of the document.

John re-summarized his thoughts at

ACTION to Henry (and others):  Continue the xml:id issue
discussion in email.


Richard pointed out the following note in XML Base
(just before section 3.1):

 This specification does not give the xml:base attribute
 any special status as far as XML validity is concerned.
 In a valid document the attribute must be declared in
 the DTD, and similar considerations apply to other schema

and suggested a similar note should go into xml:id in D.1.


There was also some email about some typos for which we (Henry)
should process an editorial erratum:

ACTION to Henry:  Process an xml:id erratum to correct the typos; ref

XLink 1.1
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xlink1.1

The XLink 1.1 Last Call has been published at

The LC review period ended 16 May 2008.

Norm has prepared an updated DoC at 

Paul summarized the open issues at

Norm replied at

ACTION to Norm:  Update the DoC accordingly.

There's an open question about whether the XSD/DTD 
should default the xlink:type attribute value. 
None of this effects our last call because the
XSD/DTD are not normative.

Henry sent an XML Schema for simple-conformant XLink at

ACTION to Norm, John:  Review Henry's candidate basic level conformance

John sent RelaxNG schemas at

ACTION to Norm, Mohamed:  Review John's RelaxNG schemas.

We plan to skip CR and going directly to PR.

Paul drafted a PR transition request at

The Implementation Report at
is pitiful.  We'll need to augment this to be able to request PR.

ACTION to Norm: Dig up more for the XLink 1.1 implementation report.

XInclude 3rd Edition PER
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xinclude

XInclude 2nd Edition is at:

ACTION to Daniel: Produce a PER-ready draft of XInclude 3rd Ed
with appropriate references to the IRI RFC for LEIRIs.

Associating Stylesheets
See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#assoc-ss

Associating stylesheets with XML version 1.0 is at:

The Errata document is at:

Simon has requested we consider revisions; see his email at
and his suggested draft at

See also Simon's email at
outlining various issues.

Paul sent email giving Arbortext's behavior and other comments at

Henry sent email giving Saxon behavior in various erroneous cases at

Paul sent email with suggested resolutions at
and there has been some follow-up email.

Simon and Paul generally agreed on the resolutions except that
Simon would prefer that some SHOULDs become MUSTs.  We need to
have other WG members review the latest email at
and followups and weigh in on the issues.

ACTION to everyone besides Simon and Paul:  Review the latest
xml-stylesheet email at
and followups and indicate preferences for resolutions.

Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2009 18:39:43 UTC