Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2005 March 9

We have an XML Core WG phone call scheduled for Wednesday, 
March 9, from
          08:00-09:00 Pacific time aka
          11:00-12:00 Eastern time aka
          16:00-17:00 UTC
          16:00-17:00 in Ireland and the UK
          17:00-18:00 in middle (most of) Europe
on the Zakim W3C Bridge, +1 617 761 6200, passcode 9652#.
We also use IRC channel #xmlcore on .

See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
and other information.  If you have additions to the agenda, please
email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.

Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
at the beginning of the call.

1. Accepting the minutes from the last telcon [3] and
   the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
   or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).

Also, accepting the minutes from our f2f:

2. Miscellaneous administrivia and document reviews.

The WG needs to review the Binary XML documents: 

Paul will look at them, and we need another volunteer 
(Norm is reviewing them already for the TAG).

Richard has been volunteered to review the 
XPath 2.0/XQuery 1.0 Data Model document, to be published 
as a LC WD in late March or early April (though there are 
no plans to make any changes to it at this time, so the
review can start at any time).

ACTION to Richard:  Review the XPath 2.0/XQuery 1.0 Data 
Model document:  [Norm, what's the URI???]

3.  XLink update.

Our WG Note "Extending XLink 1.0" has been published:

A charter modification has gone to the AC:

While we aren't quite chartered for this yet, we did
discuss it some at our f2f:

4. XML errata.  The published 1.0 errata document is [8], the
   published 1.1 errata document is [9], and the NEW PUBLIC
   Potential Errata (PE) document is [7]. 

See the discussion of IRIs and the "MAY" paragraph
under item 5. Namespaces in XML below (which actually
occurred during our f2f under the XLink discussion).

We need to make some IRI related errata to XML 1.0 
and 1.1 (for system ids). 

5. Namespaces in XML.

Richard suggested we take NS 1.1 and revert the two 
substantive changes (IRI and undeclared namespaces) 
to create NS 1.0 2nd Ed. The WG has consensus to do 
that, and we got approval from the team to do so.

Ongoing ACTION to Richard:  Produce a draft for NS1.0 2nd Ed.

We note that the IRI spec is now finished-RFC 3987-so 
we have to issue an erratum for NS 1.1 for this.  We
discussed some details of this under the XLink discussion:
Briefly, 3987 does have some wording (the "MAY" paragraph) 
about what used to be called unwise characters.  We would 
therefore put in wording that allows us to say "IRI but 
note the 'MAY' paragraph" without making values with 
spaces (and such) invalid.

ACTION to Richard:  Process an erratum to NS 1.1 to
refer to RFC 3987:

Richard pointed out a namespace comment at
which requests something which is almost a different kind of schema.

We discussed this at our f2f.  We don't this is within 
the scope of the namespace spec or our WG charter.

ACTION to Richard:  Respond to this comment (on the 
xml-names-editor list).

6. Xinclude Rec was published 2004 December 30 at:

It has been brought to my attention that we apparently failed
to look at the public XInclude comments list for comments
received during the PR review which is basically the October
archives for this list:
We will treat these are errata.  

DV volunteers to be editor of the XInclude errata process.

Our XInclude potential errata document is at:

ACTION to DV:  Make corrections, additions as outlined
in Paul's email at:

We discussed XInclude errata at our f2f; see
for the details.

ACTION to DV:  Update the xinclude PE document with
our latest decisions.  Add the comments from the
October and November archives.

7. xml:id.

The CR was published (2005 Feb 8) at

The (public) xml:id LC issues is at:
The LC DoC is at:
Our implementation report is at
We have a test suite cover page at

The issue of xml:id vrs C14N and the definition of
namespaces is ongoing, originally in the xml:id 
comments list and now on the www-tag list.  

We discussed this at our f2f, both among ourselves:
and with the TAG:

We are continuing with xml:id as it stands.

We will make C14N a separate task once our charter has
been amended to allow that.

ACTION to Norm:  Do some work on the xml:id test suite
to get it more usable.

7.5  Meaning of namespace.

This came out of xml:id and C14N, but is separable.

The XML Core WG should make the policy for adding 
names to the xml namespace explicit in the namespace 
document for this namespace

ACTION to Henry:  Suggest modifications to the XML
namespace document and send to the XML Core list
for approval.

8.  Associating stylesheets
    We have had several requests to issue some clarifications
    on use of fragment identifiers in URIs to referenced

We discussed this at our f2f, both among ourselves:
and with the TAG:

If anything, our discussions expanded the scope of the issue.

Henry will probably raise some form of this as a TAG issue; 
the WG plan is to wait for the TAG to take the heat. 

Paul will ensure we have coordination with the Hypertext CG on this.

9.  absolutivity of [base URI]
    Norm has asked a question about the absolutivity of [base URI]:

We discussed this at our f2f:

We have CONSENSUS that base URIs are always absolute. 

We decided that the Infoset references xml:base which 
references RFC 2396 which makes base URI always absolute, 
so although some of us prefer making it explicit in the 
Infoset, we DECIDED not to bother.

Henry explains his view that we need to allow frag ids 
in [base URI]. However, the last sentence of the first 
paragraph of section 5.1 of RFC 3986 says "If the base 
URI is obtained from a URI reference, then that reference 
must be converted to absolute form and stripped of any 
fragment component prior to its use as a base URI."

Since the infoset and xml:base refer to 2396, it's not 
clear whether the fragment identifier is part of the 
infoset's [base URI] or not as life stands today. 

We didn't resolve just what if anything to do about this.



Received on Monday, 7 March 2005 19:19:53 UTC