Re: f2f minutes [was: minutes for the first day of our f2f...]

Paul Grosso scripsit:

> And now that we have completed our f2f, that URL has the "final"
> minutes (as always, subject to any corrections any attendees may
> submit).

Sorry for not being there today: attack of the dreaded plumbers again.

In PEX6: whether or not an initial U+FFEF is part of a text/plain document
(or in our case, a document which is being treated as text/plain) depends
on the character encoding.  If it's UTF-{8,16,32}, then no, it's a BOM
and should be discarded.  If it's UTF-{16,32}{LE,BE}, then yes, it's a
ZWNBSP character and should be kept.

I agree with all other points.

A few times, I did some exuberant stomping about,       John Cowan
like a hippo auditioning for Riverdance, though
I stopped when I thought I heard something at 
the far side of the room falling over in rhythm
with my feet.  -- Joseph Zitt

Received on Friday, 4 March 2005 20:53:11 UTC