FW: Publication Request for XML Core WG Note "Extending XLink 1.0"

What's our answer to TimBLs question about our point 2
in our draft XLink WG Note?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Berners-Lee [mailto:timbl@w3.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 January, 2005 8:12
To: Paul Grosso
Cc: chairs@w3.org; plh@w3.org; webreq@w3.org; Steve Bratt;
Subject: Re: Publication Request for XML Core WG Note "Extending XLink


Go ahead.


PS:  The point about reserving the namespace is interesting. The 
namespace is in
w3.org space, and so is owned by W3C.   This fact follows from the 
So w3c has change control of the namespace. This is normal. What was 
the group woried about?
Other standards bodies or manufacturers "squatting" on the space by 
inventing new things?


On Jan 20, 2005, at 10:32, Paul Grosso wrote:

> The XML Core WG requests publication of:
>   Extending XLink 1.0
> as a WG Note and hereby requests Director's approval
> and subsequent publication.  [Previous announcement
> of intent to publish archived at
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2005JanMar/0006
> was sent last week.]
> The current WG draft is at:
> http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2005/01/NOTE-xlink10-ext-20050127/
> ( wherein you'll find
>     Overview.html
>     NOTE-xlink10-ext-20050127.xml
>     xmlspec.dtd
>     xmlspec.xsl )
> The requested publication date: 27 January 2005
> The document is expected to be published at:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/NOTE-xlink10-ext-20050127/
> The WG approved publication of this WG Note during
> its 2005 January 19 telcon, cf.:
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-core-wg/2005Jan/0044
> The WG is publishing this WG Note to document its suggestions
> in light of some issues we've seen raised by the XLink user
> community.  The WG has no plans to update this WG Note; at
> this time, the XML Core WG has no XLink-related work item on
> its agenda or charter.  Before any XLink-related work could
> take place in the XML Core WG, the AC would have to approve
> such a charter modification.
> Abstract
> --------
> This document describes some useful changes that could be
> incorporated into an XLink 1.1 Specification.
> Status (boilerplate omitted)
> ----------------------------
> This document is a W3C Working Group Note, made available by the
> W3C XML Core Working Group as part of the XML Activity. The authors
> of this document are the XML Core Working Group participants.
> This WG Note is being published for information purposes only.
> The Working Group does not plan to issue updates and therefore
> has no current plans or process by which to handle feedback.
> Paul Grosso
> Norman Walsh
> for the XML Core WG

Received on Wednesday, 26 January 2005 14:48:56 UTC